2x Icewind Dale Campaign Currency!

By Nitocris | Mon 06 Mar 2023 07:00:00 AM PST

Lord Neverember is granting adventurers help in completing the Icewind Dale Campaign! This coming week, players will get double Icewind Dale Campaign currencies!

2x IWD currency starts Thursday, March 9 at 7:30am PT 

2x IWD currency ends Thursday, March 16 at 7:30am PT 

There are several ways to take advantage of the 2x IWD currency:

  • Daily quests in Caer-Konig, Icewind Pass, and Dwarven Valley
  • Weekly quests in Caer-Konig, Icewind Pass, and Dwarven Valley
  • Icewind Dale Campaign Tasks


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