Anime Roulette Events – All Weather Types and Buffs – Gamezebo

What’s going on with the Anime Roulette events? They’re not events as you know them, and instead, they provide a variety of weather types and special occurrences based on your favourite anime franchises.

Roll over to the game’s Roblox page to see if you can take part in a rare event! Want to increase your luck even more? Use our Anime Roulette Crafting guide to find out how to craft powerful luck-boosting items.

Anime Roulette Events

Depending on the event that is currently active in Anime Roulette, you can get luck boosts, item spawn rate boosts, and a higher chance of obtaining franchise-based auras. Learn more below with the Weather Types and Special Events sections!

Weather Types

The weather types can sometimes cover both daytime and nighttime, whereas others only occur during specific times of the day (in-game, not in real life!).

Normal – Daytime and Nighttime

The standard weather type! Therefore, nothing happens. Roll as usual, but don’t expect any special rarities to drop. The time of day during the Normal weather event doesn’t make a difference.

Windy – Daytime and Nighttime

The chance of items spawning around the map is significantly increased as the Windy weather event is active during the daytime and nighttime. If you spot this weather type, start scouring the environment quickly!

Snow – Daytime and Nighttime

While the snowflakes fall, rarer items have a higher chance of appearing across the map. The most important item to look out for is the Dragon Ball, which is more likely to spawn when it’s snowing in-game.

Rainy – Nighttime

If the rain is pouring down, and it’s nighttime, your luck gains a 100% boost. Make the most out of this period of time, as there’s a good chance that you can obtain a rarer aura/title.

Sakura – Nighttime

As the cherry blossoms sway in the breeze, and the night sky twinkles, your luck is boosted by a lovely 200%. Roll as much as possible while this weather event is active!

Special Events

These events aren’t weather-based, and are mainly inspired by popular anime franchises.

The Eclipse

The chance of The Eclipse occurring is rare in itself, but when it does happen, the drop rate of the God Hand receives a massive boost. I’m still waiting for this event to happen when I’m playing!

Infinite Tsukuyomi

During this event, the moon turns into an Infinite Tsukuyomi from Naruto, which is a large red circular symbol. The sky turns red and misty, and the drop rate of every Uchiha-inspired aura is increased – such as the Rinnegan aura and the Mangekyo aura!

Black Moon

This event only occurs during the nighttime, and the music changes to let you know that it isn’t the usual weather type. During Black Moon, every aura that is based on the Dragon Ball Z franchise has a higher drop rate chance.


If Shenron appears, the luck of all players in the server gets a 10x boost for all auras. Use your luck enhancing items alongside this weather event, and you’ll surely obtain at least 1 rare aura!

Culling Games

It can be tricky to know if this weather event is active, but keep an eye on the bottom left of your screen – the weather type is written down here! While the Culling Games event is active, all Jujutsu Kaisen-inspired auras have a higher chance to appear when rolling.


The Parkour event only activates for a singular player if they complete the parkour course in-game. You get a decent luck boost for a short amount of time!

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