Site News: So, Where’s Our MLB The Show 24 Review?

So what, you might well respond. Write up the review based on what you have and update once the mode is playable!

The problem here is that we simply don’t have the time and resources to be revisiting games and revising our review scores. There’s way too much coming out every week.

Now, in this case, the non-functional mode is pretty integral to the whole experience, and putting out a review that could be rendered obsolete in a matter of days, or even hours, doesn’t serve the people we’re writing the review for in the first place — you lot. Equally, waiting days or weeks until a game-breaking problem is patched out (and given the size of this franchise, it seems unimaginable that it won’t be) isn’t something we’re comfortable with, either.

This rock-and-hard-place position is far from ideal and, frankly, the almost total lack of public communication from San Diego Studio on the matter is extremely poor. Over a week on from release, a major component of the game is essentially inaccessible to Switch owners, and the lack of a proper response is shocking.

With the Easter holidays approaching, we’re monitoring the situation. Our current plan is to go live with a review early next week that reflects whatever state the game is in at that time.

So, watch this space, MLB fans. And certainly don’t buy the game on Switch — not yet, at least.

Have you already bought the Switch version? Let us know below if you’ve run into the same issues we have. If you’re jonesing to find out more, our friends over at Push Square have their PS5 review live. That version works, at least, and it sounds pretty good.

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