How to get Training Manuals in Palworld

If there is something I enjoy seeing, that is my Pals leveling passively while I explore the world. Well, now you can even do so without breaking a sweat and saving you the trip. Sort of. Here is how to get Training Manuals in Palworld.

Palworld: How to get Training Manuals

Training Manuals may not make you or your Pals into martial arts experts or masters, but what they will do is help your Pals level up. Once one of your Pals reads one of these manuals, then it will receive a substantial amount of XP. This will be significantly helpful if you need to level up a new Pal up to the level of the rest in your party. Good news; getting Training Manuals is not that difficult!

Well, of course, that depends on your current level. You see, getting Training Manuals will require you to open up treasure chests in either Dungeons or at the Wildlife Sanctuaries all across Palpagos Islands.

Once you collect your Training Manuals, head to your inventory, interact with them, and then select the Pal you want to give an XP boost. It is that simple! The only thing you will possibly struggle with is

Palworld Training Manual Inventory

How to get the Ancient Technical Manual in Palworld

The other new manual in Palworld is the Ancient Technical Manual. Instead of giving your Pals some XP to level up, using these manuals will grant you an Ancient Technology Point, which will be very useful for crafting the new constructs like the Electric Egg Incubator, which requires five of those. Fortunately, Ancient Technical Manuals are similar to the Training Manuals in the sense that they are also located inside treasure chests in the open world or Dungeons.

Palworld Electric Egg Incubator Technology
Screenshot: PC Invasion

This last type of Manual will be a huge help indeed. Ancient Technology Points used to be tied to defeating Alpha Pals, completing Dungeons, or even beating Syndicate Tower bosses, but not any longer! While this new method of getting Ancient Technology Points relies on RNG, the sheer amount of Dungeons in Palworld will make sure you have as many Manuals – both Training and Ancient Technical – as you want.

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