When your Ps3 is broken or affected by any error, it’s obvious that it’s in a need of a fix… right? You could do this in 2 ways. You could do it by yourself with the use of a PlayStation 3 repair manual, or you could send your ps3 back to Sony and let them fix your problem. So, what’s better? Let’s find that out!

Sending your ps3 to Sony

When you do this, you might think that it’s a really great option. Well, sorry for interrupting you on your dream, but it’s so not a good option, really! In fact, let’s check out some stats about sending this to Sony. From the day that you send your Ps3 to Sony until the day that you receive your console back, is mostly 4-6 weeks. That’s really, really, long. Not to mention the price tag that’s on it. If your warranty has been expired, you have to pay $150,- extra to get them to work. Still a good option? Don’t think so!

Repair your console with a PlayStation 3 repair manual

When you fix your ps3 problem actually by yourself, you will take the control in your own hands. You decide how long it takes, you decides how much many you spend. Know what I’m saying? There really isn’t a better option than doing it by yourself. As long as you use a PlayStation 3 repair manual, everything will be alright! You could have your ps3 functionalizing normally again today, even 1 hour from now on!

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