Review of the PlayStation 3 Slim

This new console is not referred to as the PS3 slim for no reason, it is significantly thinner and narrower than its predecessor. As a matter of fact it is a completely different looking console. Sony has ditched the glossy black finish and cool touch buttons of the original in favour of a duller looking texture and more conventional buttons. The whole device looks rather budget built for my taste, but i have to admit that when you pick it up, it feels well-built and more solid than the Xbox 360 for example.

Sony has done a good job in lowering the noise level because the inner components have been completely re-engineered. Resulting in the machine running cooler, so that it does not need as many fans built in. This also helps the console to be greener, using less energy both when it is in stand by mode and when running games, which is always a good thing.

Given the price drop, Sony has had to make a few cuts here and there. The slim no longer supports Linux, and can no longer play the old PS2 games. The slim also has only two USB ports, and the multi card reader has been given the push. But these are fairly minor losses that most gamers won’t mind.

In my opinion the PS3 slim remains a highly impressive console, not only is it smaller, quieter and cheaper than the previous machine, the features Sony has done away with take nothing away from this already great product. My only wish however is that Sony had retained the more luxurious look of the original, the slim looks like it’s the PS3 bought to you by Lidle, but it is still the most powerful console on the market today.

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