Best Ever Wii Accessories

Weeeeee! It was the first big innovation in gaming (other than new media types and better graphics) since the advent of simulated 3D gaming in the Nintendo 64. A is great fun… but without a cool complement of accessories, it’s like going down a slide with rubber pants on! Today we check out some of the best ever accessories, both the ultra-specific and some of the best all-rounders.

Extra controllers
In direct contrast to the anti-social game consoles of old, Wii is HEAPS more fun when you have somebody to play with. Just about any sport game is useless without an extra Wii-mote and nunchuck, and if you’ve got a 40-inch television screen you may as well make use of it and let your family play Super Mario Galaxy with you!

Charging station
If you’re going to get your money’s worth out of a Wii, you’ll definitely need a charging station. Replacing batteries all the time (especially when you were just about to beat a baddie) is not fun.

If you’re a driving game nut, the wheel does add a little realism to your game play. Almost all driving Wii games are compatible with the wheel, but it is never necessary.

Balance board
If you’re into snowboarding, skateboarding or combat games, the Wii balance board is an awesome addition to your experience. It was originally designed for Wii Fit, but has since found a market outside stressed out at-home yoga practising Mums.

Wii Motionplus
The MotionPlus attachment allows a greater degree of accuracy in many games that require it – almost everything on the Wii Sports resort can benefit from the MotionPlus attachment, and if you want to play golf or tennis you’ll need it also.

Lightsaber attachment
Who didn’t run around their house as a child, using whatever curtain rods, sticks and broom handles they could find to pretend to be Luke Skywalker?! Until something got knocked over and broken, that is. As a ‘big person’, the Wii lightsaber attachment is the most fun you can have swordfighting without the potential to actually get hurt. A must for Zelda and Star Wars Wii games.

billiard cue
Billiards are pretty boring without a cue – that’s just as true on the Wii as it is in real life! The Wii billiard cue does make you look a little insane… but once you’ve locked the doors or sworn your billiards buds not to take photos, it really is a must-have for fun!

Some bands need a non-standard Wii controller (like Guitar Hero and Rock Band)… and they aren’t always sold bundled with the game! But you just can’t rock out with a Wiimote in your hand – these are an essential for some specialist games.

Zapper and other gun attachments
Yes, the Wii makes you look crazy to anybody looking in the window. But if you have a gun in hand rather than a strange-shaped white thing, at least you’ll look serious… not just certifiable! Gun-shaped attachments like the Wii Zapper and other third-party tools aren’t usually needed to play shooting games, but like the wheel they definitely add to the experience.

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