Those of us that are familiar with portable hand held gaming systems and fans of Nintendo, are eagerly awaiting the release of the newest Nintendo system – the Nintendo 3DS – in March of 2011.

The Nintendo 3D promises to take gaming to a new level by making it possible to see things in 3D without the use of any special glasses. Some of the other brilliant features found in the latest generation of the Nintendo hand held gaming systems include, for one, its weight. It’s another lightweight Nintendo hand held system weighing in at 8.1 ounces. It also features 2 screens, the top one measuring about 3.5 inches and the bottom one measuring approximately 3 inches.

On the side of this new system is a slider that adjusts the intensity of the 3D effects. The Nintendo 3DS also features 3 cameras! 2 of them are on the outside of the device and are capable of taking 3D pictures and capturing 3D video! This newest innovation by Nintendo will also play 3D movies!

Although no movie titles have been released as of yet, Nintendo is working with Disney, Warner Brothers and DreamWorks to make titles available by the time this awesome system is released. This newest system is also WI-FI capable and will search for WI-FI connections and other 3DS systems for multiplayer gaming. It’ll be able to receive updates from the internet while it’s in sleep mode so you’ll always have the most current software installed!

Many gamers are hoping that we’ll see a re-release of Super Mario on the Nintendo 3DS, although at this time, it’s not on the list of games. Several other familiar titles that are due to be released for the Nintendo 3D include titles such as Assassin’s Creed, Donkey Kong 3D and Frogger as well as Kingdom Hearts 3D. The Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time and Super Mario Cart are a couple more fan favorites that are sure to be a hit on the new gaming system!

If you already own a handful of your favorite Nintendo DS titles, don’t despair! You’ll be able to play them as well on your new Nintendo hand held gaming system. This system is backward compatible so that you can still play all of your old favorites from the DS system.

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