Seven reasons why you, as an indie developer, need to be at Pocket Gamer Connect

Indies are the lifeblood of the games industry, and at Pocket Gamer, we do everything we can to champion the gamemakers that are propelling this industry forward.

About 70{d0f68332078ae50ae5cd49ede95b9d76bcf00fa473a5a7068cdab9d644705628} of Pocket Gamer Connects attendees are gamemakers, and we’re eager to ensure the highest possible ROI for all the developers joining us in Seattle this spring. If you didn’t know, our B2B gaming conference is returning to Seattle this May 16th to 17th. PG Connects Seattle is bringing together over 1,000 attendees from the games industry all over the globe to network, pitch and learn from over 150 of the games industry’s top authorities. Our brilliant speakers and panellists will deliver insightful content into design and development, monetisation and growth, life as an indie, company culture and loads more.

This time, we’ve even got a super special exclusive competition for indies to get to attend the conference for free and show off your game on our showfloor. Keep reading to find out how to get involved with the competition and learn about everything else we have lined up for indies at our conference this May.

1. An exclusive competition to attend the show for free and demo your game!

That’s right, you have a chance to attend Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle 2023 completely for free and even get expo space in our indie-dedicated expo area to demo your game. We’re thrilled to open up more opportunities for developers to access our events, and we would love to give you the opportunity to show up, showcase your work, connect with publishers and investors and take your career to the next level. All you need to do to sign up for our competition is to fill out this form, and if you’re one of the lucky winners, you will be contacted by a member of our team with all the details on how to register your FREE tickets to our show! To qualify, you or your company MUST be a small indie games studio (fewer than 10 staff, independent, your main focus is developing games) to be considered.

2. The Big Indie Zone

So, what exactly is this expo area? The Big Indie Zone is an exclusive expo area within the conference dedicated to indie developers and their games. It’s a PG Connects staple, and we’re always thrilled to see the amazing creations that developers bring to the showfloor. This is a perfect opportunity to showcase your work to hundreds of PG Connects attendees, including publishers looking for new talent, investors in search of their next focus and many, many more. Don’t miss your chance to join in on the competition above to score free tickets to the conference and a place in the zone! If you’d prefer to ensure you secure one of the limited spaces in the area, you can book your expo table directly over on our registration page.

3. The Big Indie Pitches

Our Very Big Indie Pitch events are bigger versions of our BIP events, and they’re unmissable opportunities for indie talent to present their games to a panel of industry experts and gain critical feedback in real time. Show off your work and potentially even win prizes and media coverage! We have events available for both PC and console gamemakers and mobile gamemakers, so don’t miss your chance.

4. Unmissable content for developers

Every single one of our tracks at PG Connects has something to offer for developers, but we have some specifically curated content that will be unmissable to indies joining us in Seattle. Our Knowledge Sharing content theme is entirely dedicated to helping you on the practical aspects of game development and improving your development kit, so you won’t want to miss our Developer Toolkit, Gamemaker Insights, Game Dev Stories or Incredible Indies tracks. Learn about our other content tracks and what they have for you over on our official conference website, you won’t want to miss all the most up-to-date details on the Business of Games or the Future Trends to watch out for!

5. Investor Connector

Our Investor Connector fringe event is an incredible opportunity for talented developers and active investors to make first contact and discuss their potential involvement. This matchmaking event has resulted in many, many successful collaborations in the past, so don’t miss your chance. You can currently apply for this event up until Friday, May 5. Learn more about how you can get involved here!

6. Publisher SpeedMatch

The Publisher SpeedMatch session enables shortlisted developers and publishers to make initial contact during a dedicated one-hour stint of speed-date style meetings. This initial contact sets the perfect stage to kick off conversations that can be followed up with longer meetings. You can currently apply for this event up until Friday, May 5. Learn more about how you can get involved here!

7. Make the most of our limited time Early Bird offer and your discounted indie ticket!

We’re dedicated to providing the opportunity for indie developers to join us, so all indie developers get a super special deal on their tickets to Pocket Gamer Connects. If you’re an indie developer on your own or work for a small indie studio of fewer than 10 staff, independently owned and actively making games, you qualify for major savings on your ticket to Pocket Gamer Connects Seattle. Secure your ticket over at our website now and take advantage of our limited time Early Bird discount (it applies to all ticket tiers, including our special deal for developers) which can save you even more if you book before prices rise.

See you in Seattle! 

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