3DS eShop Spotlight – Butterfly: Inchworm Animation II / KORG M01D

Who made them?

Flat Black Films made Butterfly, and Detune was behind KORG M01D.

What’s the premise?

Starting with Butterfly, this is a portable animation tool that goes above and beyond Nintendo’s own Flipnote Studio 3D and delivers a much more fully-featured piece of software. It allows you to shoot video, record audio, draw, edit, import, export, and create all manner of effects, all from your 3DS (or 2DS).

KORG M01D was an eShop exclusive in the West, an app that emulates the KORG M1, a synth released back in 1988 that featured in many a late-’80s, early-’90s dance tune.

Why should you get them?

Well, we knew that the KORG app was a winner — most of the KORG software is (KORG DS-10, KORG DSN-12, KORG Gadget), and this particular example that emulates the M1 synthesizer is a favourite. We’ve got some serious Seinfeld and Madonna enthusiasts on staff.

Butterfly: Inchworm was admittedly a new one on us, so why include it? Well, we were recently contacted by Wayne Unten who expressed his love and admiration for both these programs. Wayne is a big Nintendo fan and also an animator at Walt Disney Animation Studios, and has created some brilliant shorts on his 2DS over the years that really showcase the power of both pieces of portable software (as well as Colors! 3D, which we highlighted a couple of weeks back).

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