The share price of Japanese games giant Capcom has hit its highest point ever.
As spotted by industry analyst Dr Serkan Toto, the company’s stock rose to a peak of ¥4,865 ($36.44). The share price dropped to ¥4,840 ($36.26) by the end of trading.
The ¥4,865 peak is a 485.60 per cent increase since January 2000.
This comes in the wake of Capcom launching its remake of Resident Evil 4. The title shifted three million copies in its first two days on sale. Capcom’s spike in sales price also follows the company announcing a partnership with Colopl, Inc.
Last year, Capcom increased the salaries of its Japanese employees by 30 per cent.
It’s Monday noon in Japan where Capcom’s stock today hit 4,865 yen earlier in the morning, an all-time high for the company.
(Screenshot shows the price at the current 4,850 yen.)
— Dr. Serkan Toto / Kantan Games Inc. (@serkantoto) April 3, 2023
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