Episode 347 – Big D Strikes Back – Talk Nintendo

The Wonderful Bivs joins us once again! We talk a wide range of things including Mario Movie, Advance Wars, Xenoblade 3 DLC, Pixel Remasters and more!

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Japan’s native son Danny Bivens is back again to discuss RPGs and a whole lotta nothing!

We don’t have an outline this week (thanks Balex#) so about half of this week’s show is all about shooting the scoop with Big D himself. After, we talk game stuff! Danny gives his take on the Mario movie as well as the Pixel Remaster of Final Fantasy 1. We also talk about the Advance Wars remake and some early thoughts on Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed.

BTW, we’re talking about Super Mario Sunshine next week, so play it some and we’ll talk about it! Also, thanks to the big dawg himself for joining us! You can find Danny at The Famicast.

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