Episode 822: Unprecedented Maelstrom of Technical Hardships – Radio Free Nintendo

Are we releasing a Wind Waker episode, right as Tears of the Kingdom comes out? No, we RECORDED it as it came out. We’re releasing after.

Finally, after six weeks, the regular cast is back together. Finally, it is time or our The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker RetroActive part 2.

Does that mean we recorded after The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom was released for Greg and as it was releasing or the rest of the cast? Yes.

Does that mean you all are playing a new, gigantic, Zelda game already? Yes.

Do you still have space in your earholes for a retroactive on the O.G. big-world Zelda? I hope so.

If not, it’ll still be here later. RetroActives are pretty timeless, and that’s why we decided to release it here. After all, Breath of the Wild launched the same day we recorded a very tomato RetroActive. Call it tradition.

Next week we’ll have a lot of Tears of the Kingdom to talk. For now, email us.

Okay, back to the underground.

This episode was edited by Guillaume Veillette. The “Men of Leisure” theme song was produced exclusively for Radio Free Nintendo by Perry Burkum. Hear more at Perry’s SoundCloud. The Radio Free Nintendo logo was produced by Connor Strickland. See what he’s up to at his website.

This episode’s ending music is a second excerpt from The Wind Waker Symphonic Movement from The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Special Orchestra. It was selected by Greg. All rights reserved by Nintendo Co., Ltd.

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