Cosy Puzzler ‘Skye Tales’ Brings Gentle Dragon Adventures To Switch This Week

Phrases like “gentle” and “low-stress” are hardly thrown around in gaming descriptions these days, but it is exactly how we would describe developer Puny Astronaut’s debut title Skye Tales, which flies onto Switch on 26th May.

In this cosy puzzle game, you take control of Skye, a magical dragon who explores a fantasy world and helps their friends along the way. You can go about your adventure any way that you please, either stopping to complete the gentle puzzles or simply exploring the game’s various landscapes.

The game uses a series of simple controls and has been designed with a focus on accessibility. There are visual filters to assist those with various visual information-processing requirements, and the developer has also added multiple control modes for anyone with different motor-control requirements too.

A free demo is available to download now from the Switch eShop.

Check out the following for a little more information about the game itself and a look at some screenshots.

Skye Tales immerses players in a world of wonder and whimsy. From the lush valleys of Brinn to the glittering sea, every corner of Skye’s world is bursting with vibrant colours, delightful sounds, and charming characters. It’s a place where players can feel truly welcome. With its gentle puzzles and playful exploration, Skye Tales invites players to slow down and savour the magic of its world, offering a respite from the stresses of everyday life.

Visitors are encouraged to take their time and have a break along the way. There is a rainbow of magical instruments and tactile toys to play with. Alongside a chance to unlock and collect plenty of fabulous outfit choices for Skye.

Releasing later this week, the full game will be available from the eShop for £19.99 / €24.99 / $24.99.

Up for some chilled-out gaming in Skye Tales? Let us know in the comments.

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