Where to find and farm Luminous Stone in Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

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The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom contains so many resources that you’re likely to discover a few valuable items without even noticing them in your inventory. One item of potential value is the Luminous Stone, which you find when you break apart certain ore deposits. Here is our guide telling you where to find and farm Luminous Stone in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Tears of the Kingdom – where to find and farm Luminous Stone

Luminous Stones have a few uses in the game, not all of them readily apparent. For one thing, you can use them as a material to upgrade your Radiant Armor. They also come in handy when you encounter special creatures that can turn them into gemstones. For more information on that front, see our guide detailing where to find Dondons.

Because Luminous Stones are more useful than they first appear, you may find yourself looking for more of them. To find and farm Luminous Stone, check in the various caves around Hyrule, and on the sky islands.

Totk Luminous Stone North Necluda Sky Archipelago High Island Location Map

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The very best place to find Luminous Stone is on the high eastern island in the North Necluda Sky Archipelago. The map screenshot above shows the location of the exact island you want to reach in the archipelago.

Get to it by launching into the air from Sahasra Slope Skyview Tower. From there, it’s a long drift east to reach the main platform. You may need to make for a smaller sky island along the way, just to give yourself a chance to restore stamina.

Totk Luminous Stone North Necluda Sky Archipelago Main Island Device In Position

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Once you arrive on the large main island, turn the wheel to rotate the platform. You want the nearby device to face the high island floating in the near distance. Then you can step onto it and let it launch you forward and upward. The higher island contains a bunch of ore to mine. You may also find other precious minerals, possibly including a Diamond.

There is a treasure chest also, which contains a Sage’s Will stone. I recommend returning to this location after each Blood Moon. You can activate the Josiu Shrine on a western island in the archipelago to make future trips quicker.

Totk Luminous Stone Farming In Crenel Hills Cave

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Numerous caves also contain Luminous Stone. The more dangerous the cave, as a general rule, the more likely you are to find that resource. I seem to have the best luck in some of the riskier caves around Death Mountain and Hebra, and in Crenel Hills Cave to the east of Hyrule Castle, but you might find it just about anywhere.

When you stumble across Luminous Stone in dark environments, it glows a turquoise blue that’s hard to miss. Make sure to stop and mine such rocks when the chance presents itself. You’ll want a lot of the Luminous Stone over the course of the campaign.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available for purchase from the Nintendo Store.

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