All timed events in Diablo 4, explained

Diablo 4 is a procrastinator’s nightmare, or eternal joy, depending on how you view it. Many times I have been making my way over to one mission, and it’s taken me hours to get there because of how many sidetracking events there are along the way. This is one of the reasons I love that game; I’m massively overpowered way before I get to the mission because I can’t say no. Some of my favorites are timed events in Diablo 4. They pop up around the map and result in absolute carnage of the best sort.

Diablo 4‘s timed Gathering Legion Events

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At random times in Diablo 4, a circular icon will appear on the map. The icon signifies a timed event starting soon. If you decide to take part and cave to the temptation of distraction, you will find the area usually swarming with other players. This is what makes them so fun.

Timed Gathering Legion Events offer great rewards and a lot of fun battling against the spawn of hell with a huge crowd. Prepare to have your GPU pushed to its absolute limit and witness your FPS dropping down to PowerPoint presentation levels. Thankfully, the more players involved, usually, the easier the battle. Players have until the timer runs out to participate in the timed Gathering Legion Event in Diablo 4.

The battle is split into four parts. Initially, everyone must defeat the first wave of enemies before the timer runs out. Achieving this will spawn the Miniboss. With all the players surrounding the Harbinger, you would be forgiven for thinking this would be a walkover. Still, Blizzard has done a fantastic job leveling the timed gathering Legion Events. Expect a challenge, and try to keep your eye on your character; it’s going to look insane.

Two waves and minibosses must be defeated within a time limit to obtain mastery. Everyone will push for this since the mastery bonuses are excellent. When the timer is up, the Overlord will appear. This is the final stage of the timed gathering Legion Event in Diablo 4.

Rewards for the completion of timed Gathering Legion Events

Loot is lord in Diablo 4, and the Gathering Legion Events do not hold out. Completing the event will award one Radiant chest while achieving mastery will award three. These chests contain gear, Murmuring Orbs, gold, gems, and crafting materials. I have never been let down by a timed Gathering Legion Event regarding what I receive.

These events are mayhem and a lot of fun. Despite the huge crowds that show up to stick their oar in, the challenges are still a real struggle to achieve, especially the timed mastery. Blizzard has ensured that defeating the separate bosses and hoards is a challenging feat.

Diablo 4 Helltide events


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Helltide events are available after you have completed the main storyline and are in world tier 3. These are region-wide, hour-long events that randomly pop up every 75 minutes. They can be spotted by the red coloring around a specific region and the Helltide icon. If you’re stuck inside one, you’ll certainly know about it. The sky rains fire and brimstone, and wave after wave of bosses and enemies, including the Butcher, will be thrown at you. An hour-long countdown will be placed next to your map during the duration of the timed Helltide event.

Although these are late-game events, they are a massive amount of fun. Also, they are one of the best ways to target farm specific gear for your build. Helltide rewards are some of the best in the game.

Rewards for timed Helltide events


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While destroying foes and completing events within the hour of a Helltide event, Aberrant Cinders are dropped for collection. These Ciders are used within the Helltide event to open specific chests around the map. Each chest can only be opened once during the event; here are the three types, costing 75 Aberrant Cinders each.

  • The Tortured Gifts of Jewelry – Rings and Amulets
  • Tortured Gifts of Protection – Armor
  • Tortured Gift of Weaponry (Light and Heavy) – 1 or 2-handed weapons, respectively.

Each of these chests will show you the exact slot they will fill, allowing you to farm a specific piece during the timed Diablo 4 event.

There is also a fourth chest in the field that costs 175 Aberrant Cinders. These are called the Tourtured Gifts of Mystery and will drop a random item with a chance to be Ancestral. The extra cost is worth the chance of getting a top-level bit of gear in Diablo 4, but the timed event will undoubtedly push you to your limit.

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