Drug Crush Saga Is Getting a Kickstarter Campaign. Here’s Why You Need to Back it

Innovation is hard to come by in the match-three puzzle genre, with studios tending to trot out the same old cutesy, cliched stuff about sweets and toys and adorable animals. 

The good news is that developer Rebel Scum is looking to inject a healthy dose of innovation with Drug Crush Saga, an irreverent, genre-bending take on match-three puzzlers like Candy Crush and Angry Birds Match. 

The even better news is that you can help Drug Crush Saga to become a reality by supporting it on Kickstarter. 

Click here to watch the latest trailer for Drug Crush Saga

If Drug Crush Saga reaches its £95,000 funding goal, you can expect to play a polished match-three puzzler with a strong narrative, strategic gameplay, city-building, and even some racing elements. 

This is why you should help it get there.

3 Reasons You Need to Back the Drug Crush Saga Kickstarter:

It’s Unique

Drug Crush Saga is a match-three puzzler like no other, cramming an improbable number of genres into a single innovative package. You’ll be solving puzzles one minute and becoming a legitimate business tycoon to shield your criminal empire from law enforcement the next.

Oh, and you’ll also get into top-down GTA-style getaway races with rival gangs and cops by land, sea, and air. 

How many games let you do all that?

Match-3 Games Are Fun

Okay, so we’ve thrown some shade at titles like Candy Crush, but the fact is that a well made match-three puzzler is one of most compulsive joys to be found in mobile gaming. 

We’re looking forward to lots of things about Drug Crush Saga, and one of those things is a generous helping of smooth, creamy, unputdownable match-three gameplay. 

The Rewards

Naturally, funding a game through Kickstarter isn’t all about charity. You also get fantastic rewards. 

In this case, you can choose from beta access, limited edition merch, and in-game credits. If you’re one of the five backers coming in at the exclusive £7,999 Strictly Business tier, meanwhile, you’ll receive in-game product placement. 

The Drug Crush Saga Kickstarter campaign goes live next month and pledges can be made from as little as £1. So head over there now it’s live for just 30 days.

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