Here are all the games you can play in the Rezzed Zone at EGX 2023

EGX 2023 is upon us, and you may recall that RPS is sponsoring the Rezzed Zone this year. That means we’ll be tucking into the 50+ indie games that will be there over the coming days, and we can now confirm the full and final line-up of what’s going to be on the showfloor. Most of these are only playable at the show, but you may still find some of them have demos available on Steam thanks to this week’s Steam Next Fest. In any case, read on below to come and see what’s coming up.

EGX 2023 is happening right now at London’s Excel, running from Thursday October 12th until Sunday October 15th. It’s organised by our corporate uncles at Reedpop UK, and day tickets are still on sale now if you fancy coming along.

Myself and other members of RPS will be there doing various things over the next few days – primarily playing as many games as we can get our hands on, both in the Rezzed Zone and the also excellent-looking Leftfield Collection. You can expect more in-depth highlights of the best games we end up playing to appear on the site over the course of the show, and if there’s anything specific you’d like us to check out, let us know in the comments below. For now, though, here’s everything you can play at this year’s Rezzed Zone.

What’s in the Rezzed Zone at EGX 2023

I’m hoping to hit quite a number of these over the show, with Eastward’s Octopia expansion, #BLUD and Bo: Path Of The Teal Lotus being very high up on my personal hit list. I’m intrigued to see Eastward’s take on a sort of Animal Crossing-esque life sim game, while #BLUD looks like it will scratch that Cult Of The Lamb itch with a healthy smattering of gibs and gore. And yes, Bo’s hand-drawn Japanese folklore adventure is essentially just perfect Katharine fodder, what of it?

I’ve also got my eye on Leximan, a turn-based RPG that’s kind of part Undertale, part any kind of those fast typing games, as battles are conducted by mashing together bits of words to form spell names. I meant to find time to play a demo of this earlier in the year around notE3, but alas, time got away from me, so I’m very much looking forward to giving it a proper go here. Visual novel Ghostpia Season One, ocean clean up me do Loddlenaut, mystery point and click Loco Motive, stop-motion hack and slasher The Spirit Of The Samurai and roguelite survival em’ up When The Light Dies are also on my list, too. It’s going to be a fun weekend!

What games have caught your eye, dear readers? Shout about them in the comments and we’ll do our best to get to them!

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