Best Starfield Star Wars ship designs

Starfield is still relatively fresh out of the gate, but players have already found time while hunting down Starfield achievements to use its fiddly ship design system to create some truly impressive builds. We highlighted some excellent examples in our round-up of some of the best Starfield ship designs, but there are enough Star Wars ships to fill their own list, so we figured why not?

Star Wars has some of the most iconic ship designs in all of science fiction, so it makes sense that Starfield players are scrambling to recreate some of their favorites in Bethesda’s hit RPG. Limitations and fiddliness of the ship design system aside, Starfield players have managed to recreate their favorite vessels in the game, with everything from the incredibly iconic Millennium Falcon to the type of ship you might run into in a blockade around Naboo.

Let’s dive in and take a look at some of the best Star Wars ship builds in Starfield so far.

10 — X-Wing

Then we have u/HatedPath’s take on the Rebel Alliance’s X-Wing. As they point out, there doesn’t seem to be a way to angle the wings for that particular iconic X shape itself, but the color scheme and the overall shape of the ship itself is an impressive recreation. We don’t have any info on stats or build parts for this one, but for something to combat the Empire, this looks like a good start.

9 — Imperial Star Destroyer

Best Starfield Star Wars ship designs

Here we have u/SloPr0’s behemoth of an Imperial Star Destroyer. To start with, this ship is a beast. It’s an A class ship which u/SloPr0 says cost around 130,000 credits to make, and it has everything from the captain’s quarters to the armory installed. u/SloPr0 has kept updating and modifying this build with better engines and a bigger cockpit, although this of course messes with the overall look of the ship itself. Still, given how much Starfield’s ship design system will occasionally fight you, this is an impressive recreation — and a fairly terrifying build to come across in space.

8— Vulture Droid

Best Starfield Star Wars ship designs

This one is u/Avergence’s version of the Vulture Droid. This took some effort — u/Avergence says it took around six hours to build and around 400,000 to 600,000 credits. If that’s a little gulp-inducing, worry not: u/Avergence has helpfully laid out instructions on what parts you need and where to place them, although bear in mind this one is apparently meant as just an “aesthetic build” and not so much as a super-functional ship. Still, this is where the fun begins.

7 — N-1 Starfighter

Best Starfield Star Wars ship designs

Here we have u/Megatroidskittles11’s take on a Naboo N-1 Starfighter, which even comes with the appearance of the spot for a droid behind the pilot. If this one is right up your street, then you’re in luck, as u/Megatroidskittles11 also shared more pictures complete with a parts list and a look at its in-game stats. This one apparently doesn’t only look the part but is great to fly, too, and its creator says the even tried to go for “authenticity” with the ship’s weapons to make it look as though it has blaster cannons and proton torpedoes.

6 — Trade Federation ship

Best Starfield Star Wars ship designs

In a move that they insist is perfectly legal, u/mikotoqc has created an impressive rendition of a Trade Federation landing ship. This one hasn’t yet made it to landing but is still hovering above the planet, doing its best “we’d be happy to receive the ambassadors but this is still a blockade” impression. As u/mikotoqc points out, it’s not the most attractive ship in itself (although it’s an excellent recreation), but it makes up for it with around 6,800 storage capacity alongside other benefits.

5 — Y-Wing starfighter

Best Starfield Star Wars ship designs

Next is u/cardinal151515’s beautiful take on the Y-Wing starfighter, made from the bones of the Frontier itself and complete with a building guide. Y-Wings saw work as bombers during the Clone Wars, and were also used in the fight against the Empire’s Death Stars. Since this Starfield build is a class C ship, u/cardinal151515 does point out that you’ll need to have the relevant piloting and starship design skills up to scratch to recreate this yourself.

4 — Consular-class cruiser

Best Starfield Star Wars ship designs

We’ve seen u/mikotoqc’s rendition of a nervous Trade Federation ship hovering above Naboo, now we get a look at the other side of things, with u/DaMightyMilkMan’s version of the Consular-class cruiser which brought two Jedi to investigate the blockade. What’s more, u/DaMightyMilkMan shared a comprehensive guide on how to build it, complete with details right down to how to get that red and tan coloring. As with most ship builds, not every port has every piece needed for this one, and u/DaMightyMilkMan mentions you’ll need to head between Mars, Neon, and New Atlantis for most of the pieces (and you’ll apparently need around 200,000 credits to build it).

3 — Hammerhead Corvette

Best Starfield Star Wars ship designs

Another great build from u/cardinal151515 is this Hammerhead Corvette, and it once again comes with a helpful building guide. In Star Wars lore, the Hammerhead Corvette saw use as both a transportation ship and as an attack ship from well before the Imperial Era. This build is a beast of a ship (plus, like the Y-Wing build, this is a Class C ship) and u/cardinal151515 says you can find all the necessary parts between Akila City, New Atlantis, Stroud Eklund staryard, and New Homestead.

2 — Razor Crest

Best Starfield Star Wars ship designs

Then we move onto u/BOT-Numpa’s take on The Mandalorian’s Razor Crest. This one is a more compact, smaller build, with just two floors — there’s a guide for its three layers too, if you fancy recreating this ship. If you’re not particularly in the mood to tackle Starfield’s sometimes cumbersome ship design menus with a complicated many-layered build, but still want a vessel that looks the part, then this Razor Crest ship might indeed be the way.

1 — Millennium Falcon

Best Starfield Star Wars ship designs

Of course we couldn’t have this list without the fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy. A version of the Millennium Falcon made appears on our round-up of some of the best Starfield ship designs, and here we have u/ImaginationFlat3371’s gorgeous rendition. Luckily, there’s both a build guide — note that this actually makes use of a building glitch — and a rundown of its stats: 1600 shield, 40 power, 180 top speed, 3,160 cargo, and 9 auto beams, complete with various stations and habs.

With a lot of these builds, we’ve seen their creators and admirers alike discussing how much more might be possible if there weren’t as many limiting factors in the game’s ship design system. Since Starfield is clearly going to be one we’re playing for some time, there’s every chance Bethesda might revisit and readjust the game’s systems, giving us even more beautiful builds to behold.

If you’re curious about what else you’ll get up to in the game besides designing the ship of your dreams, be sure to check out our Starfield review for more info!

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