Review: TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Bush Rescue Returns (Nintendo Switch)

TY is back! After 20 years and various outings, our hero of the Australian outback reunites with the Nintendo Switch in TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Bush Rescue Returns. Originally released in 2013 for Windows devices, this side-scrolling adventure has been completely revamped for our favorite hybrid console, with improved visuals and audio, making it a treat for new and old fans alike.

While TY’s adventures have been a mixture of 2D and 3D affairs over the years, TY 4 is all about the side-scrolling. It takes typical platforming tropes like running and jumping and adds its own flair. For example, TY’s trusty weapon comes in the form of the classic boomerang, which returns to the sender each time it’s unleashed. This nifty device can also be upgraded, with various boomerangs having different effects. It’s fun to discover each one, and switching on the go is easy as well.

Another aspect that sets TY apart from others in the genre is its setting. The series takes place in the outback of Australia, giving it a distinctive feeling in a world full of Mushroom Kingdoms and Green Hill Zones. In fact, the developers from Krome Studios have squeezed as much Aussie culture into this game as possible. Of course, TY himself is uniquely Australian, taking the form of the extinct Tasmanian tiger, but there’s plenty of other wildlife on display. Along the way, you’ll meet koalas, cockatoos, frilled-necked lizards, cassowaries, and crocodiles. Animal fans are in for an absolute treat.

Throughout the series, TY’s arch nemesis has typically been Boss Cass, and this feathered fiend returns to cause trouble once again. But while TY is out to save the day, he’s also tasked with many side quests by helping those in need; hence the title “Bush Rescue”. TY is the typical “bloke next door”, lending a hand to any hapless soul who gets lost, or even putting out pesky fires. These missions add variety to the gameplay, introducing new characters and elements along the way.

This theme of mixing-it-up-as-you-go continues throughout the game, with short challenge quests interspersed throughout the platforming levels. These break up the side-scrolling gameplay with quick distractions, like time trials. They’re fun and challenging, giving players something extra to work towards. There are also plenty of collectibles to keep you on your toes, creating an extra incentive to replay.

TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4 - Nintendo Switch

One of the biggest changes between this 2023 version and the original is the all-new voicework and animation. Both go a long way to bringing the characters to life, and it’s clear the team has put a lot of time and effort into these characters. 

The animation involves cutscenes that follow the story of TY as he wanders across the outback helping his friends. The voicework adds an extra layer to this crisp animation, creating something akin to a Saturday morning cartoon. It begs the question—when will TY receive his own Netflix special?

TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4 - Nintendo Switch

The soundtrack is also worth mentioning, with a uniquely Australian vibe to complement the characters and scenery. Again, a lot of work has clearly gone into creating the perfect mood for TY and his mates, and it shows. When developers pour their heart and soul into a game, it makes it all the more enjoyable to play.

Overall, TY the Tasmanian Tiger 4: Bush Rescue Returns is a strong platformer with an Aussie charm. It’s clear that a lot of care has gone into bringing TY’s fourth outing to life on the Switch, with delightful audiovisuals that immerse the player in the outback. 

Looking for more on TY 4? Check out our interview with Krome Studios for all the behind-the-scenes info!

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