Anime Last Stand Banner Guide – Gamezebo

Curious about how the Anime Last Stand banner function works? I’ve answered all your questions down below, such as how they work, how to unlock Banner 2, and more.

Anime Last Stand is a tower defense Roblox game that features a wide range of units to collect. What are these units, you ask? Anime characters! Yep, every unit in the game is based on an anime character from your favourite franchises. Obtain the strongest units in the game and place them in your defenses, as they wield their unique traits and techniques against your opponents.

For more information, you can visit the Anime Last Stand’s official Roblox page. Enjoying the tower defense game? Check out our Anime Last Stand Gojo guide to find out more about the unit and our Anime Last Stand Elements guide!

Anime Last Stand Banner Guide

There are 2 banners in Anime Last Stand! The first is unlocked automatically when you start the game and the second is unlocked once you reach Planet Nemak and complete Act 6.

How Do the Banners Work?

The banner system in Anime Last Stand works similarly to others across Roblox. Or you may be familiar with ‘gacha banners’ from playing actual gacha games! The difference between those types of banners and the ones in this game is that they swap over every hour.

If you’ve got some spare time, or you’re actively playing the game, it’s best to check the banner every hour to see if your favourite characters are on the roster! Every banner update includes 2 new Epic units, 2 Rare units, 1 Legendary unit, and a Mythic. With the banners being randomly generated, there’s no certain way to find out which units are going to be on the next banner.

There’s also a ‘pity’ system in place, which is a common feature in gacha games. Banner 1 has a Mythic pity that caps at 250, and Banner 2 has a Celestial pity that also caps at 250. This means that once you reach that 250 mark, you’re guaranteed a Celestial or Mythic depending on which banner you’re using!

Planet Nemak Banner

Now, for some clarification on what the second banner is. The rarities that are featured on this one are much higher, with pretty low drop rate chances. Instead of capping at ‘Mythic’, the second banner caps at ‘Celestial’.

Another difference to note is that there are 2 Mythic units available, alongside 1 Celestial unit. Each summon costs a little more than the first banner, with 1 summon costing 75 Gems and 10 summons costing 750 Gems (this is instead of the 50 and 500 Gems on the first banner!).

Banner Drop Chance Percentages

Each rarity of unit has a certain drop rate!

Banner 1

  • Rare Unit: 70%
  • Epic Unit: 27.5%
  • Legendary Unit: 2%
  • Mythic Unit: 0.5%

Banner 2

  • Rare Unit: 80%
  • Epic Unit: 13%
  • Legendary Unit: 5.5%
  • Mythic Unit: 2%
  • Celestial Unit: 0.5%

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