An easy way to narrow down Bubbulfrog locations in Tears of the Kingdom

Screenshot by PC Invasion

Although The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom includes 147 collectible Bubbul Gems hidden across 147 caves, the game only expects you to find 47 of them to earn all of the rewards from Koltin. If you want to fulfill Koltin’s dream of becoming a Satori, however, you’ll need to track down all of them. Of course, once you manage to find the majority of the caves and their respective Bubbulfrog locations, looking for the last few on your own can become a bit of an ordeal. Thankfully, Tears of the Kingdom does offer a decently convenient method for narrowing down any Bubbulfrog locations you may have missed.

How to best track down remaining Bubbulfrogs

Once you have acquired every reward from Koltin, he will offer to sense nearby Bubbulfrogs and clue you into their general location. He will also let you know the total number of Bubbul Gems you have remaining. If you need some help pinning down the exact locations where Koltin can appear, take a peak at the map below.

Tears Of The Kingdom Koltin Map Bubbulfrog

Screenshot via PC Invasion

You’ll want to keep Koltin’s locations in mind, as they will dictate which Bubbulfrogs he will be able to sense. So if, for example, you talk to Koltin in Death Mountain, he will only tell you about any remaining Bubbulfrogs that reside in the Eldin region, more or less. I found that if you have already collected every Bubbul Gem within the region, he will say that he can’t detect any nearby. This serves as your cue to cross that region off your checklist and move to another one.

You can also use Satori’s cherry blossoms to help out with finding caves, but this won’t necessarily indicate whether or not you found a cave’s Bubbul Gem. Completing your Bubbulfrog hunt in Tears of the Kingdom will generally be made much easier if you rely on Koltin’s help.

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