Best Roblox Horror Games to Play Right Now – Updated Weekly – Gamezebo

Trying to find the best Roblox horror games to play? There are tons of experiences on Roblox, but it can be difficult when trying to find the ones worth your time – especially when it comes to the horror genre We’ve rounded up our favourite Roblox horror games to play right now to help you find a bounty of new frights!

Best Roblox Horror Games

Let’s take a look at our current favourite Roblox Horror games! Don’t forget to bookmark this page as I update it every week with new, old, and terrifying horror experiences on the platform.

Current Favourites

Close Your Eyes

The premise is simple. You’re in a house, a weird house, but a house nonetheless. Odd occurrences are happening, almost like you’re hallucinating. To combat the oddities, you have to close your eyes.

If you hear something weird, see objects move with no explanation, or you start to see creatures roaming the halls, you know what to do. When things start to get overwhelming, can you close your eyes in time?

Happy Family

a room in happy family roblox which is monochrome and the only details are in a doodle art style, its a children's bedroom with toys, picture frames, drawers, and the alphabet drawn onto the wall

This horror game takes on a fresh aesthetic of doodles, 2D objects, and an entirely monochrome environment. Everything starts off fine, it’s a ‘happy family’, after all.

The normality starts to disappear once you sneak into the basement at night. Mother told you not to go down there, but did you listen? No. You soon start to regret making this decision once you begin to explore…

Night Watch

an office submerged in darkness, with various cubicles with computers and other objects suitable for an office in night watch roblox

Mixing the mundanity of an office with unexplainable happenings is always a recipe for an eerily good horror. You can choose a role to play, which is much more immersive when playing with another person due to the varied applied traits.

You have a list of tasks that you need to complete during the night shift. The office is already confusing enough to navigate, but you get on with your menial objectives. Just remember to keep an eye on the CCTV.

All-Time Favourites

Think of this section as an archive of sorts! These Roblox horror games still stand strong and are just as immersive – timeless classics.


a roblox character flies up to the ceiling with fire underneath their feet with the dialogue 'the bloxy cola gods are calling me' from roblox insomnia

Ever struggled to fall asleep multiple days in a row? You can experience just that in the Roblox game, Insomnia. Instead of feeling extremely exhausted, you also start noticing strange things happening at home and around the local town – albeit, it’s more of a small village than a town.

It’s simple. Follow the objectives, go to bed, end up not sleeping a wink, and rinse repeat. There are 2 endings to find, both good and bad. Go about the mundanity of daily life but with a dark twist! Despite its colourful palette and unseemingly normal beginning, it soon descends into darkness after that first missed night of sleep…


a character walks in through the front door to a house in darkness, a car is parked outside next to a table and lamp in roblox roach

Part horror and part FPS, Roach is an entry that covers multiple genres at once. I would call it a dark sci-fi horror DPS! Fight against mutated creatures with a range of weapons, alongside up to 50 other players. For maximum scares, I reckon playing it solo is the best way to go!

There’s even an Area 51 section in Chapter 1 now, which leads you to a terrifying discovery. It’s not the scariest game per se, but it scratches the itch of wanting to play a horror FPS, which seem few and far between nowadays.


a strange room amde of stone with a large screen on the wall that is turned on and has no signal, shown by the different coloured blocks and shapes across a grid background in roblox centipede

What would you do if a sleepover suddenly turned dire? And by dire, I mean that one of your friends has become a giant centipede. They also aren’t conscious anymore and have no idea what they’re doing. The only thought in their head is to eat everyone standing in their way.

You can either play as a centipede or as a survivor, trying to outrun the creature whilst finding a way to escape. Every centipede can crawl up the walls and across ceilings, so make sure to keep an eye on your surroundings at all times – you never know when they’ll appear!


a kitchen in roblox lights with the lights turned off with only a small light above the one of the counters and stove

When the lights turn off, what happens? It can be a menial occurrence like a random knock. But sometimes, when the light goes off, something much sinister appears. Explore a house that seems to have an issue with its electrics, with the light turning off now and again. The scariest part is that you don’t know what’s hiding in the dark.

Inspired by Minutes by Jandel, Lights features plenty of jumpscares. I want to add a warning about the loud noises, just in case you’re sensitive to that. If you still want to play, you can turn the volume down slightly. Despite the colourful decorations around the house, once the lights are off, the atmosphere changes entirely.

The Exit 8

a tunnel in the underground in the exit 8 on roblox, the floor, walls, and ceiling are all white tiles, with a yellow posters with directions on the right wall

A Roblox recreation of the PC game, The Exit 8! I will say, it’s a great attempt at porting it over to the Roblox platform. The only difference is that the NPCs are Roblox avatars rather than the humanoid ones in the original.

It contains the same unsettling feeling throughout and does an excellent job of utilising liminal spaces. If you have no idea what the original game is, you’re stuck in the underground. Instead of finding a platform at the end of a tunnel, you end up looping around. The key is to be on the lookout for anything that changes, or rather, ‘anomalies’.

Bou’s Revenge

a floating Pou in bou's revenge with an apple icon above its head, there's a race car in the background with a small poo with eyes next to it on the ground, with an instruction box at the top right that reads 'to do: feed bou"

Those who remember the virtual pet, Pou, will know exactly what this game’s based on! It’s directly inspired by a game of the same name on by RUDY. It may look vibrant with cartoonish visuals, but it’s actually pretty creepy. Especially since Bou (or Pou) is a cute character from back in the day.

You start by looking after Bou, it’s a virtual pet after all! However, something doesn’t seem quite right. This little alien isn’t what it seems. The combination of the bright environment with the horror undertones makes for a great experience that’s well worth a try. There are even 4 endings to reach!

Eyeless Jack

a bedroom in darkness with posters taped to the wall and drawers with books on top in eyeless jack on roblox

A Roblox horror game based on a Creepypasta! Eyeless Jack is the main antagonist in this one, and if you’ve read the story before, you’ll know what’s in store. Your day starts off like normal, with menial tasks to do for your brother, Edwin.

Once the night arrives, things start to get a little strange, and it only gets worse from there. If you haven’t read the Creepypasta about Eyeless Jack yet, it might be a good idea to give it a shot before you load up the game. It’ll give you more context as to who this antagonist is… and what he’s capable of.

Midnight Motel

the outside of a motel in midnight motel, with various rooms with the curtains open and the lights on inside, and an upper floor with more rooms

I know what you’re thinking… another Midnight game? Yes, but this one’s different, I promise. To be honest, they’re all different from each other, but they do resemble one another. In Midnight Motel, you decide to stay the night at a motel. It’s a local one, so it should be fine, right?

Well, not so much. Rumours are going around that serial killings are taking place close to the motel. For some reason, you decide to solve the mystery yourself, even though you really should just sleep the night away. In total, there are 4 endings to reach, all of which lead you to different outcomes.

Midnight Station

a car parked outside a gas station in midnight station with its headlights on, with the entire road in darkness, there's an ice box against the wall of the buildings, and an area for cars to refill their gas, which is shrouded in darkness too

Yes, yes, I know I just covered a Midnight game above but they’re pretty popular right now! It also helps that they’re excellent horror games. In this instalment of the Midnight titles, you work at a gas station. You’re a little bored, and you’re not too fond of the night shift, so you put the radio on for some background noise.

It was supposed to help you relax, but you overhear an announcement regarding a strange person hanging around the city. Surely they won’t visit the gas station? All you need to do is get through your night shift and possibly evade oncoming dangers. All in a day’s work, huh?

Horror House

screenshot of a character standing on the landing in their house upstairs, by the staircase and wooden bannister, the lights are dim and they are facing a double door that is shut

The PS1 graphics revival continues with Horror House. You can’t tell it’s a Roblox game when you look at it! The character models resemble that of Puppet Combo (or Floors Have Teeth if you’re more familiar with that), and the environments are displayed with forced camera angles – just like how games used to be! Horror House is inspired by classics such as Resident Evil and Silent Hill, as mentioned in the game’s description.

You can play with friends or alone as you work through a set of objectives. The overarching storyline is that you’re looking for your missing brother, who’s ‘wandered’ off late into the night. There’s only one chapter out for the game right now, but the devs plan to add more in future updates!


screenshot from the POV of a player standing in the middle of a maze with large hedge walls and darkness ahead, with the light from their torch lighting up the small area in front of them

Think of any phobia. Got one? Well, in Phobics, you enter portals to face your fears. Expect plenty of confusing mazes, jumpscares, and a whole range of phobias to experience. Some examples are claustrophobia (fear of small spaces), thalassophobia (fear of the ocean), aquaphobia, and automatonophobia (fear of mannequins and human-like figures).

Phobics puts you in the middle of some people’s worst fears, changing the environment to match the phobia, and forcing you to face it head-on. If you didn’t have a phobia before, you might after this…

Amelia’s Cafe

a zoomed in screenshot of a dialogue scene from amelia's cafe, which has a character portrait of amelia, an anime girl, as she smiles and wears her cafe uniform, there are posters on the wall behind her

Amelia’s Cafe isn’t a long game, but it’s a fun one! It features a cute anime girl called Amelia, who runs a charming little cafe. There are multiple endings to reach, including a ‘true’ ending.

You fancy a snack after getting a bit peckish, but your suspicions about Amelia are starting to make more sense. As you make your way through the cafe, you start to notice strange occurrences. It doesn’t help that Amelia’s acting weird too. Maybe the cafe isn’t as cutesy and charming as you originally thought…

Dandy’s World

the poppy toon from dandy's world wears a pink dress and hair box as she stands behind a wooden box as she watches the twisted shrimpo creature wander around by the bookcases and rainbow-themed table and chairs

A bit like Dead by Daylight, but with much cuter characters, Dandy’s World takes the same idea and twists it into something magical. Work with other Toons as you fix the machines and supply them with Ichor. The more machines you complete, the deeper you can delve into Gardenview.

It’s not as easy as it sounds though, as ‘Twisteds’ lurk in the center. These creatures have various abilities such as trapping you, dragging you, attacking you, and even one-shotting you. Some even reduce a machine’s progress, much like how the killers do in Dead by Daylight!

The Toons and Twisteds are all very cute, even when the latter are supposed to be scary. But, that doesn’t mean the scary factor isn’t there! Something is very chilling about an adorable little guy chasing you with long arms, trying to find you around the corner.

Gaming With Tomomi

screenshot from gaming with tomomi, with an anime girl on the right with red ribbons in her blue hair as she streams a game. The game she is playing has an anime girl standing in a kitchen looking grumpy wearing a red dress, there is a dialogue box, and two options for the player to choose from, like a dating simulator, there is a stream chat on the screen too as tomomi is streaming the game to her fans

Ever wanted to know what it’s like to be a streamer? In Gaming With Tomomi, you’re a streamer who uses an anime girl VTuber model with bright blue hair and red ribbons. One day, during a stream, you decide to play games recommended by your viewers. One viewer sends in a game called ‘ANIME.EXE’ alongside a large donation.

You begin playing the game on stream. At first, it seems like a typical dating simulator. However, choosing the wrong options leads to a variety of terrifyingly different endings. Interact with the game within the game, and see which endings you can get!


screenshot from the game bloom of a pink-haired girl standing on a wooden floor that stretches out far beyond into the darkness, she is facing an open door that she has just walked through

While it’s not the scariest game on this list, I have to give it props for being an excellent psychological horror on the platform. You play as a girl who has somehow locked herself inside a house. The colours may be bright and fun, but something much darker is going on. Why is she reliving the same day over and over again? Did the loading screen just say loathing instead?

It reminds me of the pixelated RPG Maker games but without the 2D art. The game has cutesy music, and an adorable main character, accompanied by dark corridors, creepy figures, and rhetorical questions. It’s only a short game, but it’s worth a try!

Midnight Terror

screenshot of the VHS Video store in midnight terror, through the store windows, you can see shelves with VHS tapes on them, there is text on the screen that reads 'you picked up a new job at the local VHS store' as well as a red sign that says 'open 24 hours'

You work at a VHS store! However, it’s located in the middle of a forest for some reason. You’re on the night shift today, which means you have to keep yourself entertained within the store by yourself. When no customers are around, your task is to sort the VHS tapes and place them on the correct shelves according to their genre.

You still get customers though, despite it being the dead of night. You also have menial tasks to do, but as you go about your shift, you start to notice an ominous figure lurking around. There are 3 endings to reach in the game! It all depends on whether you manage to escape the figure or not.

Five Nights at Freddy’s 2: Reimagined

screenshot from five nights at freddy's 2: reimagined, with the player in first-person sitting at a desk with a fan, a phone, a clock, mug, and a tv screen with white noise on it, there is a boombox on the other side of the room next to a dark hallway with a checkered floor, and a poster on the left wall of the animatronics from the FNAF series

Ah, Five Nights at Freddy’s. Everyone knows what it is, even if you’ve never played it yourself. This title is a reimagined version of the original but on Roblox. Featuring the original animatronics with a variety of new animations, Five Nights at Freddy’s 2: Reimagined freshens up the gameplay entirely.

It follows the same premise as the original series but with a few changes sprinkled here and there. It’s a must for all FNAF fans, and it’s free to try! I want to highlight the developer though, as they are extremely new to game development but have still managed to create an excellent fan-made game.

Lost Rooms

screenshot of one of the arcade mini games in lost rooms, it is a pixelated side scroller with a blonde female character wearing a blue shirt and black skirt as she stands in the middle of a forest with an egg on her right, and a gnome on her left

This game feels like an entire apartment complex of terrifying floors. There are tons of rooms to navigate through, all of which are randomly generated. Each room has a certain theme though, such as the Poolrooms and the latest addition, the Arcade Room.

I want to highlight the latter room first, as I like the addition of the arcade mini-games throughout. It takes you away from the scares for a while, but you still feel uneasy! Lost Rooms is heavily inspired by The Backrooms, as you can probably tell. The creatures and monstrosities included are influenced by the Mandela Catalog, which is a popular analogue horror series. If you’ve never seen it, I highly recommend it!

Floors Have Teeth

screenshot of an abandoned trailer in a trailer park with a sentence written across it that says 'floors have teeth', there is a telephone pole with wires stretching across the area towards some trees

Sometimes a game comes along that you can’t quite fathom – in a good way, of course. I know I repeat myself when I say “This doesn’t feel like a Roblox game”, but it was so easy to forget the platform I was playing on during Floors Have Teeth.

It’s one of the most unique Roblox Horror games I’ve played, and could easily be its own stand-alone indie title. The visuals are reminiscent of old-school horrors on the PS1/PS2, the sound design is eery, and the darkness is just right. Figures hide in the shadows, with nicely placed jumpscares that aren’t too much.

Every environment is interactive and immersive. The outdoor areas are creepy, and the indoor areas have notes of between claustrophobia and nothing but the sound of your footsteps. I can gush for ages about Floors Have Teeth, but I’ll let you experience the game yourself!

Start Survey?

screenshot from start survey of a laptop screen that has the question 'is that true' with two buttons saying 'yes' or 'no', there is an alarm clock on the desk with a glowing yellow octopus light

A game entirely in monochrome, Start Survey is a Roblox horror based on the original game of the same title by PixelDough. You wake up in your apartment, ready to start the day as usual. However, the vibes are what you would call… off. Something about this room isn’t quite right, which is weird, as it’s the bedroom you sleep in every day.

Looking at your laptop, there’s a strange ‘survey’ on the screen. Curious as to what this mysterious questionnaire is, you start to answer it, much to your dismay…


screenshot of the hotel from trespasser, with empty hallways and rooms, dimly lit by the ceiling and wall lights

There are a few ‘That’s Not My Neighbour’ spinoffs on Roblox right now, in fact, I even covered one in this feature! But, Trespasser has caught my attention for its blend of 2 standout inspirations. When playing Trespasser, it’s clear to see that it’s based largely on ‘That’s Not My Neighbour’, but there are familiar mechanics from Five Nights at Freddy’s thrown in.

It’s your job to make sure you’re accepting the correct people and not the monstrous entities. The best thing you can do is keep an eye on the characteristics of each person who appears at the window. That’s not all though, as you also need to make sure the generator is powered up, and that nobody gets into your office.

Because of this, you sometimes have to move away from the window to step outside, checking that there aren’t any figures wandering the hallway. Emergency doors need to remain shut, the generator needs to be constantly working, and there’s a CCTV camera to keep your eye on… good luck!

Scream Stream

screenshot from inside the house in scream stream, with a tv that has 'insert disc' on the screen, and a board with notes written down to instruct the players on what to do with a doodle of a camera, sunglasses, and a ghost

It wasn’t that long ago that we got a few Roblox versions of Lethal Company. Now it’s Content Warning’s turn! Scream Stream is an aptly named title based on the recent co-op horror game. Like in the original, you join up with other players to create scary movies to publish ‘online’ as you delve into the darkness.

Strange monsters lurk, waiting for their moment on the camera, but you need to make sure you’ve got enough camera storage left! As long as the video is entertaining, and you get some scares, you’ll be on your way to becoming viral.

Midnight Massacre

screenshot of the diner from midnight massacre, the diner sign is a red neon, with a sign in the window that says 'open 24 hours' there is a motorbike, a red car, and a van parked outside the restaurant

Made by the same team behind Midnight Cleaners (I have an entry on that game further down in this feature!), Midnight Massacre takes place at an all-American diner. Set around the Easter period, your parents decide to take you to a seasonal event at the local diner.

You read a rumour about the ‘Blood Harvester’, a serial killer who’s currently on the run. For some reason, this seasonal Easter event takes place at night. The Blood Harvester won’t be wandering around the restaurant… right?

That’s Not My Robloxian

screenshot of a character standing behind a window with denim overalls and a cowboy hat, the desk where the player is sat as a telephone, various pieces of paper, drawers, and a drawing of 6 people taped to the wall

Based on That’s Not My Neighbour, this game switches the characters for Roblox avatars! With the latest update bringing a Nightmare Mode to the game, there’s tons of fun ahead, and lots of challenges to play through.

The characters you come face to face with are not only mysterious but pretty creepy in general. Clones are prevalent in this world, and it’s your job to find out who is a clone… and who isn’t. Set in 2012, you’re tasked with paying close attention to detail to every character that wanders through. The smallest of differences in their appearance could prove that they’re a clone!


screenshot of a dark staircase in a house with all the lights turned off, as a hole in the wall is covered by a spider web with a picture of the mona list on the distant wall

For starters, you’re in an abandoned home, and it’s not yours. I swear I’ve heard of this before! Anyway, it may have a familiar premise, but it still packs a punch as a Roblox horror and still stands as one of the best ones to play on the platform. It’s not a new game by any means, but it still has a decent amount of players that keep coming back – new and old!

The house you’re in isn’t exactly friendly, and it’s certainly dated. It’s like nobody has lived there for a long time until you find a teddy bear. The main goal is to burn a total of 5 teddy bears, oh, and the suspicious Ouija board. It’s your only hope of escaping, so you best get searching quickly!

Scary Sushi

screenshot of a dining room door in a restaurant in scary sushi, there is a sign above the double doors that says dining room and each door has a circle window

What might look like a simple and harmless cooking game, quickly turns into something much more sinister. Scary Sushi blends horror with cooking as the shadows refuse to stay at bay any longer. Your first task is to cook up a wide range of sushi dishes for the Moonlight Sushi restaurant, but the orders come in faster – a common trope in restaurant tycoon games!

However, the backrooms of the sushi restaurant seem to house more than ingredients. As you go about your task, you notice strange figures hovering, revealing a horrifying secret about the establishment.

Don’t Scream

screenshot from the main lobby of don't scream as an NPC with half a face and 1 red eye waves while standing next to 2 large bookcases

This one’s another co-op horror game that you can play in a somewhat large group! It features the typical dialogue across the screen that gets assigned to different team members as you play through the story. Avoid the monsters, defeat them, and make your escape!

There are 2 endings to reach altogether, with 2 badges up for grabs. Firstly, there’s a ‘good’ ending and secondly, there’s a ‘bad ending’. It’s not one of the most unique horror games, but it’s a fun time regardless!


screenshot from maria on roblox of a worn out and rusty truck parked at the side of a road that goes through a mountain range, the rain is pouring down over the pine trees

This game isn’t a new one by any means, but it’s a much-loved staple! Maria is on the run, and it’s up to you to find out where she is. I will say, the models for the dolls and the sounds they make as they approach you almost made me quit the game out of fear, but I stuck it out! If a Roblox horror game has that sort of impact on me, I know it’s a good ‘un.

You can play with other people though, so you don’t have to go up against the terrifying hovering dolls by yourself. I opted for the latter, and I assure you, it was tough to beat alone! In typical horror game form, your flashlight hardly lights up the surrounding area, so don’t be surprised if your eyes start to play tricks on you.

The Backrooms

screenshot from level 0 of the backgrooms, the walls are bare except for a drawing on one of them that reads 'do you trust me' with a creepy smiley face

Not to be confused with the original Backrooms game, this one is a Roblox variant! With a variety of maps to explore that prey on your fear of liminal spaces, you’ve got 29 levels (at the time of writing) to get through… if you dare. One of the rooms is a pastel pink kawaii-fied bedroom, which was quite unexpected when I saw it!

The transition from that to an eerily empty office space is enough to give you nightmares for the rest of the week. Not only that, but there are sub-levels to explore too, as well as a selection of entities to encounter. Can you reach all 3 endings?


screenshot from the first cutscene of bewildered, there is a house dimly lit by the light on the front porch as trees tower above it, there is a wooden fence across the grass as some flowers sprout in front of it, all of the windows in the house show that there are no lights on inside

Bewildered is another example of a great Roblox horror game that can be played with friends or solo! You’ve moved into a new house with your family, but something or someone doesn’t want you there. Your memories start to become hazy, jumbling together to confuse you.

To move past this, you need to work out what’s happening in this location. The game also takes you out into the surrounding area, such as the forest that leads into a dark cave. Darkness isn’t the only thing that accompanies you though, as something seems to be hovering as you move around.

Stock Up

screenshot from the start of the pitstop chapter in stock up, it's a convenience store with stacks full of products, and a neon sign on the front of the brick building that reads 'pit stop', the player is standing in the car park as a black car is parked to the left by the curb

With graphics inspired by the PS1, Stock Up is a horror game where you play the villain… sort of. You’re a robber, who sets out to steal a bunch of products from various shops, including a library. Stock Up is more or less an arcade game with horror elements, and with the option to play multiplayer, it’s a fun experience all around!

It might not be the scariest title on the platform, but the impending horror of the unsettling staff members finding you is ever-present. However, these crimes you’re committing are for something much darker, but what exactly is going on?

Don’t Sleep

screenshot of a roblox avatar holding a wooden baseball bat as they stand outside by a dark campsite, there are logs placed around a fire as trees surround it and stones are scattered across the grass as a path

I think the roughness of Don’t Sleep sells it the most. There’s almost a certain charm to how goofy it can seem at times, yet still retains the scary factor. It isn’t the prettiest-looking horror game on Roblox, but I had a good time playing it nonetheless. You can even attack the monster’s minions with a weapon!

You’re faced with a range of objectives that you need to complete as you avoid the horrors that lurk. With obstacle courses, short-timers, and a monster that likes to walk in front of windows, you’re bound to struggle to sleep after playing this one!


screenshot of a bedroom in the house at the start of chapter 1 in mocker, the sheets on the bed are ruffled, as a table and chair are positioned against the wall with a plant vase placed on top, there is a painting on the wall ahead, as well as a window that provides a view to the hills outside, and a bedside table with a lamp on it

Now, Mocker isn’t a new one on Roblox, but I want to talk about it anyway! It utilises modern-ish graphics to make it feel more like an indie PC horror title, which is always a plus for me. You start in a house and gradually descend into the underground corridors where the creature awaits.

The usage of darkness throughout the game turns the scary dial up to 100. It doesn’t help when a tall monster pops out of the shadows in the mine to attack you either! Once you make it out of the mines, you need to think and move quickly to escape the grasp of what lies beneath.


third-person screenshot of a roblox character with a sack on their back as they walk through a forest with tall trees and bushy branches, they are holding a torch that is lighting the path ahead slightly

If you have claustrophobia, or you’re not a fan of underground caves, TheDepthsBelow may not be for you. In this third-person horror game, you’re on the hunt for your missing wife. However, this has led you to a strange underground bunker of sorts. Expect to see cavernous hallways, dangerous spikes on the ceiling, and something moving slowly across the ground…

The goal is to make your way through this cavern, and to escape alive, whilst solving the mysteries of your wife’s location. I will say, the atmospheric horror in TheDepthsBelow works incredibly well. The soft drip of water, the hum of the cave, and the endless darkness accompany you in this psychological thriller.

The Butchery

screenshot of a roblox character sat in a plastic chair outside by a metal barrel that has a lantern on top, there is a wooden fence behind them, with some bushes in front, and a tree behind the metal barrel

Picture this: you’re taking a drive in the South of America. All is going well until you take the wrong turn, and you’re now driving down an unfamiliar road. Suddenly, you spot a pig with humanoid ligaments, and you hear a knock on your car window.

The next thing you know, you’ve woken up inside a farmhouse with an unsettling family. It reminds me of that one scene in Resident Evil 7, to be honest. Explore the farmhouse to figure out just what’s going on here, but try to avoid the suspicious characters, and don’t forget the animals that have morphed into something else entirely.

Scary Simon Says

screenshot of a scary roblox default character with a wide grin and white eyes as text appears above him saying 'simon says, press K', the latter half in red, with a timer bar underneath that's about halfway empty

A little bit different from the game you played as a child! Your character is in the realm of sleep after spending the night playing Simon Says with friends. Now you’ve woken up in the middle of a dream, and Simon isn’t the friendly guy you thought he was.

If a prompt appears on your screen saying ‘Simon Says’, you do it. If a prompt appears that doesn’t start with ‘Simon Says’, you don’t do it. The rules are the same as the childhood game, at least! However, if you mess up, Simon will attack you, knocking down your HP. Each prompt runs out after a few seconds, so you need to be quick with your actions. On top of these prompts, you have objectives to complete too! I recommend playing in a party with people to speed up the objectives but remember that all players get various prompts at differing times.


official art for the pressure roblox game, it is a messy painting with a yellowish orange colour of a creature with fins for ears and multiple hands as it holds a human by the shoulders, their eyes crossed out while holding a floating object

This one’s a bit of a weird one to add, I admit, but it caught my attention a few days ago. Unfortunately, you can’t actually play it right now due to the Alpha test ending, but it was incredibly popular for the past week. It’s a sci-fi Horror game that’s inspired by SCP and Iron Lung, and visually, it looks incredible.

Pressure takes its inspirations and morphs them into a terrifying experience that leaves you peering over your shoulder. There’s not much else I can say about the game right now, with it being unavailable to play for the foreseeable. However, once it fully releases, I’ll make sure to give it a permanent spot in this feature!

Anomaly Watch

screenshot from the lobby of anomaly watch as a roblox player stands by the grass looking toward the metal fence as a large moon glows high in the sky with stars around it, there is tall grass within the area behind the metal fence, as long as large crosses stuck in the ground, in the foreground there is a wooden table and chairs

If, like me, you’re vastly intrigued by the analogue horror genre, you’ll have heard of the Mandela Catalogue at least once. Using that as a base, Anomaly Watch takes you to a house where strange occurrences are happening. As described in the game’s description on Roblox, it also takes inspiration from the game, I’m on Observation Duty, which is also a fantastic example of psychological analogue horror.

Some instances are fairly tame, such as items going missing. But, the worst of all are the figures that seem to appear at random in different rooms. To beat the game, you need to last until the clock strikes 6 am, but until then, you’ve got a lot of work to do.


screenshot from the start of interliminality of an empty shopping cart in the middle of a barren and dark supermarket, dimly lit by one light beam on the ceiling, all of the shelves are empty, apart from a note that seems to be stuck to one of them

When you think of the Backrooms, you immediately think of liminal spaces. Well, as you can probably guess from the name, that’s what Interliminality is about! Using the concept of liminal spaces within the Roblox engine, you find yourself in an odd building that doesn’t seem to be in the realms of ‘normal’.

It isn’t just the long dark corridors that you need to be wary of, or the expansive rooms that never seem to end. It’s the creatures that wait within the shadows that you need to watch out for. As curious as you and your friends may be, it’s probably a good idea to try to escape as soon as possible… if you can.


screenshot from the start of the descent as the roblox player is stuck inside of a tube of glowing orange liquid, there are other tubes in the room, all of which have orange liquid inside, but no bodies, there is a screen in front of all of them with different percentages

So, aside from the obvious Lethal Company inspirations, what is Descent all about? Your job (literally), is to travel down to a facility shrouded in darkness to find and collect valuable objects. Some objects are more valuable than others, but you should bring them back to your base nonetheless.

Sounds easy enough, but what I failed to mention, is the horrifying creatures that await your presence. Oh, and motion-detecting guns. Don’t drop your items, otherwise you won’t meet the quota! Even if that does mean you’re running away from a monstrosity with a pile of metal in your arms.

Spend your money to purchase new pieces of equipment and character upgrades, such as increased stamina, and more inventory space! It’s all about working as a team, meeting the quota, and appeasing whoever’s in charge. Ready to descend?


screenshot from parasite on roblox with the text 'sector 3 breached' across the top as multiple alien forms move across the screen within the facility, with multiple arms, tentacles, and other alien features

The Sci-fi and Horror genres are a match made in heaven. PARASITE takes the best bits of both and combines them to make an adrenaline-pumping title. Wander through the ship with other players as you face parasitic monsters. Remember to destroy the hives as you come across them, with some eggs stuck on the ceiling too, ready to attack you at any moment.

Think Dead Space, but on Roblox. Equip yourself with powerful weapons, but make sure you have a flashlight and bandages in your arsenal too – you never know when you might need them. Kill the parasites, or become one yourself, which puts you in control of defeating the humans. With a mixture of CPU enemies and real players, you’re in for a tricky night.


screenshot of a school corridor that looks abandoned, with lockers on both sides. The first set of lockers on the left is barred with wooden panels, and there are doors leading to classrooms, with a set of double doors at the end of the hallway, the lockers to the right closest to the double doors are open with discarded paper on the ground

Transform into a detective in the 1920s to crack the case of Evelyn. Filled to the brim with puzzles, mysteries, and an ominous soundtrack, you find yourself at the mercy of a terrifying shadow. This shadow lurks in the hallways, her giggles echoing throughout the house, as her eyes glow bright red. Who is she?

There are 2 things to look for while exploring the house. Hunt down keys hidden in various spots, and solve a range of puzzles that limit your progression. Just don’t forget to keep an eye on your surroundings…


screenshot from the start of traversal on roblox as a standard roblox model wearing a dirty outfit stands in front of a window looking at a person standing outside whom is wearing a mask and holding something up to the window

As you wander through the halls of an abandoned building, you get the sense that you may have woken up in the wrong place. Abandoned as it may be, there are plenty of humanoid figures lurking around every corner. That isn’t to say you should try to talk to them though, as they aren’t overly friendly (and that’s a polite way of putting it!).

You must focus on using stealthy movement, including sneak attacks to defeat enemies, and keeping as quiet as possible as you explore. The creepy hum that plays in the background adds to the atmosphere, as you try to piece together just what this place is. Hide around walls to avoid being detected, but make sure you have a weapon equipped so you can defend yourself against the terrifying masked killers.

Sound familiar? If you ever played Manhunt by Rockstar Games, you’ll know just what to expect from TRAVERSAL. It also rewards you for prioritising stealth over diving into the action with all guns blazing. I can safely say that TRAVERSAL is a brilliant spin-off and the perfect ode to the 2003 title!


screenshot from the spawn point in bigfoot as the player stands in a dark forest, with a singular leaf falling down to the ground, the trees are covered in fog as flowery bushes adorn the sides of the dirt path

It’s probably obvious from the title alone, but Bigfoot is about hunting the cryptid, Bigfoot! Or at least, trying to escape from it. Equipped with a gun or two, you must explore the eery forest alone or with others to solve the mystery. Discover clues as you wade through the mud and rainfall, and work together to survive.

Don’t feel like being the protagonist in this story? Well, you can be Bigfoot instead! Prowl the forest and hide amongst the trees as you follow your prey. Jumpscare them by appearing out of nowhere, or picking them off one by one until only a singular victim remains.


screenshot from GEF on roblox as a player stands in the dark with a giant floating head with wide eyes and large teeth stretched into a grin as it approaches them to attack, this creature is a GEF, the enemy of the game

Part survival, part horror, GEF is an interesting game, to say the least. GEF is short for ‘Giant Evil Face’, and once you see what the monster looks like, you’ll know what I mean. Large spherically bald heads with wide eyes and toothy grins are your biggest enemy. Multiple can spawn at once, but you can fend them off by attacking. Just try not to get caught by one first…

Your goal is to build a base before the sun sets, to prevent a GEF from being able to get to you. This wouldn’t be a horror game without the scares though, so don’t be surprised if a GEF somehow makes its way into your abode. If you don’t manage to build a secure base before the night begins, you may find yourself in the lurches of a GEF in the deep dakr forest. To ‘beat’ the game, you need to survive as long as possible. There isn’t a way out, after all.


screenshot from the paracam trailer with a POV of the player holding a gun while walking toward a set of stairs that leads to a dark door, there are two green lights above the door as well as a red one, as a metal barrel stands at the bottom of the stairs amongst some rubbish on the ground

The Resident Evil vibes are strong with this one. You play as a police officer (hello Leon Kennedy) while sporting a bodycam that’s recording your exploration. You can either work solo or with 3 other players, but I recommend going in alone for the ultimate scares. Please note that this game is still in early development, so it’s not finished yet. This means some bugs may occur, but that only adds to the charm!

Dark rooms lit up by small lightbulbs and your torch await, as you aim down terrifying creatures that hunt. Peak around corners to get those headshots, or blast your way through the monsters. Don’t forget to pick up items along the way, as you’ll have some generators that need refuelling, as well as some other mysteries to solve.


screenshot from the fundamental paper education animation of a character in black adn red with long black hair, and drawings of pencils next to her face as she holds up a report card

Also known as Fundamental Paper Education Survival, this horror game takes you to a school where you’re either the hunter or the hunted. 3 players must play as the teachers who stalk down the students wandering through the halls. It’s up to the student players to work together, including healing and reviving each other.

As you sprint down the main hallway together as the lights flicker, and the footsteps of a teacher approach, you’ll see why I’m recommending FPE:S! It’s simple but scary as hell. If you’ve dabbled with Dead by Daylight before, the killer side of things will seem familiar. The only difference is that there aren’t any perks to equip or generators to fix.

Plus, a little fun fact, the FPE:S Roblox game is based on a viral animation by a creator called Kaaatie on YouTube! It’s an impressive piece of work, so I wanted to make sure I credited the artist here and shone a little light on their art.


screenshot from all over me of strange red humanoid shapes floating up from a pool of blood, surrounded by vast darkness

I don’t even know how to sum this one up – and I mean that in a good way. Blending fixed camera angle gameplay, with first-person segments, and a mobile phone interface, ALL OVER ME is a concoction of atmospheric horror. This makes sense given that the game is a compilation of short stories, but I do need to mention that ALL OVER ME covers some dark themes, so please be careful.

All in all, this game truly pushes the boat out. It does something extremely different and focuses on psychological horror rather than jumpscares. Psychological horror is one of my favourite subgenres, and I really appreciate Roblox games that make you think and feel rather than jump out of your seat all the time.


image from claustrophobia, with a roblox character wearing caving gear like a hard helmet and flashlight goggles as they look down a giant hole that leads downwards into the depths below

You can probably guess what this game’s about by the title alone. Maybe it’s because I get quite claustrophobic myself, but I find this Roblox horror game quite effective!

You play as a cave diver, but your journey has led you to something much darker than what you initially imagined. Something seems to be hiding in the depths below. There are also some obstacle courses thrown into the mix, which is another terrifying prospect (I’m bad at them).

The Cabin

promo image for the cabin of a cryptid with deer antlers standing at the window and reaching their long arms and hands inside as the player holds a flashlight toward them to light up the area

Heading into a cabin in the woodland is never a good idea in movies, is it? The same goes for Roblox games! Anyway, you’re tasked with visiting your late grandfather’s cabin. The thing is, you’re not familiar with the building.

So, you take it upon yourself to explore the cabin to see if you can find any evidence regarding your grandfather’s death. The game itself is terrifying inside and outside of the cabin, with a large cryptid-like creature hunting you down as you look for clues.


screenshot from the horror game, school, of a dark school hallway, with metal lockers on the left, broken glass on the floor, and darkness ahead, there is a light on the ceiling that hardly lights up the hallway

What happens when school closes for the day? There’s a rumour going around that odd happenings occur at 2 am every day. Kids will be kids, so a group of them decide to explore the school at this exact time one night, not realising how serious these supposed rumours are. Do your best to escape.

There’s also a second chapter that takes place in an Ontario school. However, this school has been shut down due to experiments that were deemed unsafe. Because of this, the school had to close its doors. Oh, and did I mention that these experiments involved robots?

Dead Silence

screenshot from dead silence of a staircase that leads to a door of darkness, with a singular light on the stone wall, the area to the right of the staircase is in complete darkness

Horror fans, you may recognise this name! Yep, this Roblox game is inspired by the film of the same title. You play as someone who’s researching the case of Mary Shaw.

The game is a great retelling of the movie, with a huge emphasis on the eery environments. Dark corridors await, alongside the implemented sound design that helps to raise your paranoia.

I know I always say this, but you really can’t tell that Dead Silence is on the Roblox platform. It genuinely looks that good! Unless you play with other people, then the immersion is rocked a little.

Before Truth

screenshot from before truth of the monster walking through a doorway towards the player, the corridor is dimly lit with a candle, as the monster has glowing white eyes, a rotting face, pointy hands, and thin limbs

There are 2 chapters to play through in Before Truth right now. The first covers a story about a detective, tasked to investigate a disappearance case that is believed to be a possible murder query. And you’re said detective!

The second chapter carries on from the first, providing more details, and delving deeper into the storyline regarding the case. It’s not just the case you need to solve – it wouldn’t be a horror game without some puzzles thrown in either!

Cult of the Cryptids

screenshot from the cult of cryptids trailer of siren head standing in a forest, with misty trees in the distance, the filter over the image looks as if it's found footage, siren head is a tall cryptid with long arms and a long torso, with 2 sirens for a head

The title of this game is probably telling. I find cryptids so interesting, so I was ecstatic to discover a Roblox game that plays on that universal fear. From the get-go, the Roblox page for the Cult of the Cryptids features imagery of everyone’s favourite alarm, Siren Head.

You may also come across other well-known cryptids as well, and potentially a cult that’s responsible for multiple murders. However, as scary as they are, you’re allowed to wield weapons for defense! I quite like this addition, as it means you can actually fight back, which adds a challenging spin.

Midnight Cleaners

promo image for midnight cleaners, with a small laundromat in the middle of nowhere with a vending machine and bench outside and a 'open 24 hours sign' the game's logo is in a font that looks like dripped blood as a giant neon sign on the roof of the building reads 'washer'

An ode to Chilla’s Art, Midnight Cleaners strikes a resemblance with the familiar everyday locations. If you’ve played Midnight Market, this one is the prequel! As for the plot, you’re a laundromat worker on the dreaded midnight shift.

There have been disappearances that take place during the night, and you’ve taken it upon yourself to solve the mystery. While you’re trying to work out who the mysterious murderer is, it’s best if you keep an eye on the windows…


screenshot from terrorbyte of a pixelated faceless man standing by a PC and desk chair, there is a loading bar on the pc screen as everything has a pixelated edge to it, the walls are blank with no decorations

I admit, it was the promo image that caught my attention for Terrorbyte at first. I was curious to see if the game actually featured a retro style, and I was happy to find out that it does! The game features simplistic pixelated graphics, accompanied by immersive sound design.

It encapsulates the charm of old-school horror games, and it does such a good job that it doesn’t feel like you’re using the Roblox platform. That’s what this feature is all about! Roblox horror games that feel like indie PC titles are what I look for when searching for new scares.


image from interliminality of a quiet and dark staircase with metal beams, the only light is coming from a torch

Considering it’s in an alpha state right now, Interliminality is proving popular in the horror community. It takes liminal space to a whole new level, as you have unlimited lives, in a space that increases in difficulty as you go on.

You and your friends have made your way into an unsettling building, but you can’t seem to find the way out. The liminal spaces are implemented really well, with large dimly-lit halls and rooms. It plays tricks with your eyes… the space is empty, but what if something’s hiding around the corner?


screenshot from the trailer of obscure, with grainy footage of a scientist opening his arms as he looks across the dark room, with sign above that reads 'project 775', the equipment around the room is blurry as its supposed to look like found footage

Combining sci-fi with horror, Obscure takes you to a laboratory that’s seen better days. It looks like an experiment didn’t work out the way it was supposed to, with monsters wandering around, and no clear way out. Your task is to discover all the clues to make your escape, but you need to try your best to avoid the scientific monstrosities that lurk. There’s only one chapter out for Obscure at the moment, but the game’s description on Roblox mentions the possibility of a second one!

Poppy Playtime: Forever

promo image for poppy playtime forever, with the monster huggy wuggy staring at the viewer with its usual toothy grin as his mouth is full of sharp teeth, he is a fluffy blue monster with wide eyes and a bow tied around his neck, there are orange glowing circles in the background

I can’t write the weekly update for this feature without mentioning Poppy Playtime: Forever. It came out a few days ago and has already skyrocketed in views on YouTube. The reason why this Poppy Playtime game stands out on Roblox is because it’s an official one!

There are tons of replicas of the franchise on the platform, but this one is the real deal. It’s a multiplayer survival game where you need to complete a set of tasks and puzzles with your team. Don’t forget to avoid the monsters though, as they like to wander around the building in search of their prey.


promo image for elmira of an empty warehouse with tall shelves that stretch far down the building, there are various palletes and boxes on the shelves

This horror game is a constant hit on Roblox right now. At the time of writing this feature, it’s got a whopping 20k active players currently. It takes the elements of liminal spaces and a haunting atmosphere as you try to navigate a large hardware store. It’s up to you and your teammates to construct a base in hopes of surviving against the suspicious employees who seem to be out for your blood.


promo image for elmira of a dark hallway that leads to an archway with a door in the distance that seems to lead outside or into another dark room

I’m all for atmospheric horror, and Elmira ticks the boxes for me. I will admit, I prefer single-player horror games, though I do appreciate multiplayer entries!

However, something is truly terrifying about wandering dark halls alone. The sound design in Elmira is fantastic and the environments you need to explore are unsettling, to say the least. After waking up on your school bus, your peers have mysteriously disappeared, and you find yourself close to an abandoned hospital.

The Long Drive

promo image for the long drive on roblox, the image features a lone house with a tire resting against the brick wall, as a barron grassland surrounds it, the game's logo is to the left with a drawing of a road behind the text

If you’re familiar with the original game of the same name, you’ll know what to expect in this one! It’s essentially a scarier version of The Long Drive but on the Roblox platform. It’s incredibly well-made, and with the post-apocalyptic vibes done right, it’s up to you to survive the dangerous environment. You have to rely on your car, but what happens when the world shifts around you and you’re unprepared?

The Mimic

promo image for the mimic on roblox, there is a woman covered in black branches as she smirks with a wide mouth, there are embers floating behind her as the game's name is written in the bottom right is a scratchy font

The Mimic is one of the most played horror games on the platform. There’s a reason for it! If it wasn’t for the recognisable avatars, you could easily mistake this game as an indie PC title that isn’t based on Roblox. An important factor of the horror genre is atmosphere, and The Mimic has plenty of it. With multiple stories to play through that are inspired by Japanese urban legends, you can dive into a book as you discover the tales of 4 different people.


promo image for haunt on roblox, the image is of a giant glowing eyeball that is suspended by chains and tentacles as two roblox characters stand underneath, with one cowering and the other lifting their lantern to look at it, there are floating eyes around the smokey area

The first thing that caught my attention in HAUNT was the fact that it takes place underground. Damp dungeons with flickering candles will always be creepy to me, and that’s why it works so well in this game. Whether you opt to play alone or with some friends, it’s your job to escape the deep dark depths. The game itself looks amazing, with excellent shadow placements, and candlelight that tricks your eyes. You really do feel like you’re trapped underground in this one, and for that, the developer’s have done a fantastic job!

Betty’s Nursery 2

promo image for betty's nursery 2, of a strange red human figure with a toothy grin and wide eyes as it runs across a ball bit, there is a wide-mouthed clown creature coming out of the tunnel slide, while a small toothy face glows in the dark shadows

This one’s a bit of a weird one, but I have to put it in here as the overall vibes gave me chills. I’m not a fan of the fact that you need to run on a treadmill to gain speed – that gameplay feature doesn’t exactly appeal to me in Roblox games. However, the parts where you’re climbing through the play area are truly terrifying. As children, these play areas looked huge to us, but fun nonetheless. Taking that childhood nostalgia and mixing it with unsettling enemies is genius. Familiar images and structures await, but there’s someone… or something… lurking in the shadows beneath.

Thanataphobia (Remastered)

promo image for thanataphobia remastered of a traditional japanese table with floor cushions on a tatami mat as food sits on the table in a bowl with chopsticks, there is a plant in the room, as the candlelight glows, with a painting of a flowery branch and a plant sits on the wall

Thanatophobia has that grittiness that I love in horror games. It reminds me of the short indie titles from the golden age of gaming YouTube. For me, if the enemy models don’t quite look right, it completely takes me out of the immersion. Well, you’ll be glad to know that Thanatophobia has some extremely disturbing monsters. A decent amount of detail has been put into their overall designs and faces, which makes it all the more scary when you get caught!

The Waiting Room

promo image for the waiting room on roblox, with 4 different screenshots from the game, from the left is a cloack that is flying towards a smiley face portrait on the wall at the end of the corridor, the next image is of an office set up in a cubicle, the third is a room that has fake grass and the walls are covered in a cloudy sky and green hills as a door is placed in the corner, and the last image is of a door in an empty white space, the game's name is glitchy as it appears twice on the image

Okay, this one might not be a typical horror per se, but I think it deserves a spot in this feature! It makes the most of liminal space and manages to encapsulate the dread that comes with it. You never know what to expect in The Waiting Room. it doesn’t rely on jumpscares and scary creatures, but it manages to make you feel uncomfortable.

Short Creepy Stories

image from short creepy stories of a convenience store that glows at night time, while a van parks outside, the street is barely lit

We can’t make a Roblox Horror games feature without mentioning Short Creepy Stories. This game is arguably one of the best and most popular experiences on the platform – and it gets regular updates! With new upcoming stories, including seasonal events, there’s always something to go back for.

Whether you want to play each level solo or in a group, Short Creepy Stories takes you through a variety of chilling tales. Plus, the graphics look fantastic. The sound design is great, the enemies are terrifying, and there’s even more to come – what’s not to love?


promo image for nightlight, there is a roblox character wearing a backwards cap while hiding behind a wall holding a lit candle, there is a humanoid monster walking towards them in a dark hallway

The main goal of Nightlight is to get out of a stranger’s house in the middle of a forest. This stranger seemed nice at first, offering up a place to stay for the night. However, something isn’t quite right about this situation. You can choose to work solo or with other players as you search through the house for 8 notes that spell out the word ‘Selfish’.

Sounds easy, right? Well, you’ve also got to make sure your candle is lit at all times by finding matches. If your candle goes out, and you stand in the dark for too long… let’s just say the creature thrives in the darkness.


promo image for blair, with two roblox characters walking down a hallway as a tall monster follows them, there are hand prints and scratches on the wall, as a roblox character lays unconcious on the ground, there is also a lit jack o lantern on the floor by a wall, the roblox characters are all holding ghost hunting equipment as well as face masks

If you’re a fan of Phasmophobia, then you’ll be glad to know that Blair is basically the Roblox version! You play as a ghost hunter (solo or with up to 3 other people), and you’re tasked with working out which type of ghost is haunting the property (sounds just like Phasmophobia, right?).

With 12 different ghosts to choose from and encounter, you need to find specific pieces of evidence that point toward which ghost it is to successfully complete the mission. Oh, and don’t forget, the ghosts aren’t happy that you’re there…

The Intruder

promo image for the intruder, with two of the game's entities staring at the viewer through the camera, there is camera static across the image as both characters have wide eyes, while the character on the right has a long mouth with teeth, there is text at the top that reads 'watch their every move'

Ever imagined a mixture of Five Nights at Freddy’s, Dead by Daylight, and the Mandela Catalogue? Well, that’s what you get in The Intruder. It’s an incredibly eerie game, that focuses on mechanics similar to FNAF and even has a level inspired by DBD. It’s got a great amount of variety and scares – plus, the model for ‘the intruder’ is very unsettling, which really adds to the horror!

The Intruder is a unique take on the core features of FNAF but with a unique twist that doesn’t disappoint.

Forgotten Memories

promo image for forgotten memories, the image shows freddy fazbear's pizzeria with a neon sign with a few broken lights, there is a parked car outside as well as a bonfire, the game's logo is to the side with the logo for PC, mobile and xbox down below

Forgotten Memories is one of the best Five Nights at Freddy’s spin-offs on Roblox. It’s more or less a faithful recreation of Freddy Fazbear’s Pizzeria, as well as the animatronics that we’re all familiar with. However, instead of being confined to the security room while staring at cameras, you need to explore the restaurant!

As you walk around the pizzeria, you’ll come across the not-so-friendly animatronics – and they’re not exactly friendly. The main point of the game is to find out what exactly is going wrong at Freddy Fazbear’s restaurant, and why it was abandoned in the first place. Wander through dark corridors, use your flashlight when possible, and avoid the creaks and mechanical whirs that lurk in the shadows.

Color or Die

promo image for color or die, with a drawing of a roblox character holding a paint bucket filled with blue paint as they hide against a blue section of the wall, each section of the wall is a different colour, as a tall monster walks down the hallway

Color or Die has a really cool premise, and it pays off! Scary and challenging, this horror game requires quick thinking and a lot of hiding. Depending on the colour of your paint bucket, you can only hide in front of the walls that match the paint.

However, to progress through the game, you’ll need to pick up paint buckets with new colours. Oh, and there’s also a variety of doors to open and items that need to be found. Keep note of which walls you can hide in front of when holding a new paint bucket – if you hear an ominous noise, it’s time to hide!


image from peta peta of a dark room that is hardly lit, the room is inside a traditional japanese building, with an old wardrobe to the left, and a small table against the wall at the back, with two floor mats where people can sit, the walls are dirty, which can be seen due to the small amount of light coming out of the flashlight

Last but not least, PETAPETA is a game inspired by Japanese horror – one of my favourite genres! It ticks all the boxes of J-Horror, making it one of the most effective experiences on Roblox. As the player, you stroll and cower through the rooms of a traditional Japanese hotel that doesn’t seem to have had any visitors in recent years. There’s also a looming fear of dread as your flashlight hardly casts a shine over the walls – don’t always believe what you see in the shadows…

There’s a terrifying entity hunting you throughout your time in the building, as the hotel starts to slowly feel like it’s a neverending loop of hallways and doors. Explore the hauntingly quiet building to find clues and solve the mystery of PETAPETA.

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