Trailer specialist Digic has reportedly made layoffs over the summer.
That’s according to Forbes Hungary, which reports that the company has cut roughly ten per cent of its total workforce between June and September this year. Digic employed around 350 people, so the redundancies come in at in the region of 35 member of staff.
One source says that this was done at the behest of Digic owner Embracer Group, which is undergoing a “restructuring” at the moment after a $2 billion deal fell apart. Digic is the latest in a line of studios facing cuts or outright closure.
“Due to the market changes of the past period, economic challenges and the long-term arrangement for hybrid work, it has become necessary to review our operation,” Digic said in a statement, via Google Translate.
It appears that the firm is turning to freelance contractors, too.
The company continued: “Digic would like to continue to employ some of the relevant colleagues on a fixed-term contract or on a project basis as freelance subcontractors, thus increasing the flexibility of the company’s operation and the proportion of freelance experts.”
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