Fix My PS3 Freezing Problems

Whenever a new console is released onto the market, there is normally something wrong with the first generation. This is actually more true than ever before with the consoles that are being released today. The problem is that manufacturers are making them more like computers than ever before. As we all know, computers come with their share of problems, and the Playstation 3 is no exception to the rule. So how do we stop those ugly PS3 freezes and make the system run like it did right out of the box once again?

The first thing that you could consider is that your PS3 is being affected by the heat. This happens to many consoles, and it will especially cause the PlayStation 3 to freeze at some point. The same thing can happen to a computer actually; heat will either make it freeze or shut down entirely.

Now here’s something you can try- Shut down the console for a couple of minutes, and then try turning it back on. This might work, but chances are there is a more permanent problem. When this happened to the Xbox 360 many people suggested wrapping it in a towel because the towel would absorb the heat. Obviously, the more you try this, the more damage you could cause to your PS3 because it simply couldn’t fix your PS3 constant freezing problem.

The next and most obvious thing that you can look for are loose cables. If the hard drive cable is loose then a freeze would be imminent. There are other cables going to the board that might also be loose, so look about and see what you can find. In addition to this you could also try removing the hard drive and putting it back in, or replacing the hard drive if you think it is damaged.

If none of these work, you could try replacing a cooling fan or adding a cooling pad to the bottom of your PS3. Chances are though you will have to take more drastic measures. It might just be that you need to get a good guide to help you fix your PlayStation 3 freezes. There are plenty of guides that you can get all over the internet, but the trick is finding one that works like a charm, and that doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg.

It would be best to search for user reviews of any product you intend to purchase to fix your PS3 freezes. It might seem like a lot of work, but it can get incredibly annoying just searching and searching for the right guide to fix that broken PS3. If you take your time and locate one that works on the first time, then you will be back to playing your PlayStation 3 in no time.

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