Gamers actually spend MORE time outdoors, but 58{d0f68332078ae50ae5cd49ede95b9d76bcf00fa473a5a7068cdab9d644705628} still think they’re lazy | Pocket

New research by Better is breaking stereotypes, dispelling myths and providing contrary evidence around video games, all pointing towards the reality that gaming can be good for your health.

More than 2,000 UK citizens were surveyed in the study with almost 1,000 gamers among them, with one in three gamers claiming to have an enhanced attention span thanks to playing games. 50{d0f68332078ae50ae5cd49ede95b9d76bcf00fa473a5a7068cdab9d644705628} also cited gaming as a source of stress relief, in alignment with the ESA’s recent report.

In fact, 96{d0f68332078ae50ae5cd49ede95b9d76bcf00fa473a5a7068cdab9d644705628} of gamers reported that games positively affect them overall, with 30{d0f68332078ae50ae5cd49ede95b9d76bcf00fa473a5a7068cdab9d644705628} noting improvements to their mental health due to games’ communicative nature allowing connection with others.

Gamers go outside?

With mobile game revenue totalling more than PC and console revenues combined, it’s probable that a large percentage of those surveyed in Better’s study play mobile games. The finding that gamers actually spend more time outdoors than non-gamers reinforces this, with more and more mobile titles encouraging people to go outside.

For example, Niantic’s Monster Hunter Now sees players getting out and walking, tracking down beasts to fight solo or as a team. In just one month since release, the title has become Niantic’s second-biggest title with $31.44 million in revenue, showcasing mobile gamers’ willingness to get outdoors.

Better’s study did find that gamers get less sleep than their non-gaming counterparts, though the difference is not as extreme as the stereotype perpetuates. In actuality, gaming Brits only get 12 minutes less sleep per night, with the UK average being less than ideal at under seven hours already.

Even so, negative stereotypes persist from those who don’t play games: 47{d0f68332078ae50ae5cd49ede95b9d76bcf00fa473a5a7068cdab9d644705628} believe gamers have unhealthy lifestyles, and 58{d0f68332078ae50ae5cd49ede95b9d76bcf00fa473a5a7068cdab9d644705628} believe gamers don’t get enough exercise.

Better’s full report also explores negative stereotypes around esports.

Earlier this year, it came out that one in three Brits game during remote working hours, even on company devices – far from supporting a more positive perception of gamers. It has also been found that UK children are the most vulnerable to monetisation tactics in all of Europe. Whether games like Pokémon Sleep will help improve their rest, at least, remains to be seen.

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