Retailer GameStop has lost another member of its C-suite.
In a post on its news feed, the company revealed that Diana Saadeh-Jajeh was stepping down from her position as chief financial officer. She will be departing the company on August 11th.
Saadeh-Jajeh initially joined GameStop back in March 2021 as its interim CFO and chief accounting officer. In July of that year, she stepped into the role of SVP and CAO, before being promoted to EVP and chief financial officer 12 months later. That means she had only been in the CFO position for 12 months.
That followed her predecessor Mike Recupero departing in July 2022 having joined only 13 months earlier.
News of Saadeh-Jajeh’s departure comes almost two months after CEO Matt Furlong was fired from the company.
Saadeh-Jajeh will be replaced by Daniel Moore, who will take on the role of principal accounting officer and interim principal financial officer. We look forward to seeing whether he lasts more than 12 months in the role.
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