The Nintendo 3DS is going to revolutionise the handheld market. Essentially, it is a Nintendo DS handheld gaming system that is the first to offer 3D gaming (without the use of glasses) in a handheld device. If you don’t know what a Nintendo DS is then allow me to explain. The Nintendo DS is the highest selling portable gaming device ever released. It features two screens; one of which is a touch screen. The overall design of the Nintendo 3DS is very similar to that of a regular Nintendo DS. However, it differs in its capabilities. It also offers the user an immersive 3D experience.

The thing that makes the Nintendo 3DS special is its ability to have graphics jump out of the screen. It is true 3D in the sense that it does not require the use of glasses that – let’s face it, are not fashionable by any means. How the device works is a bit of a mystery as of writing this article. If we are to judge how the device is going to be received by looking at the reactions of people who had the opportunity to try the device out at the 2010 E3 conference; it is probably safe to assume that the device is going to be very popular.

Nintendo have been responsible for keeping the gaming industry on its toes in regards to innovation. The initial release of the Nintendo DS which offered players and developers the opportunity to utilise a different method of interface interaction has left other game console developers eating their dust. Evidence of how successful their innovative platforms have been can be seen by the amount of Nintendo Wiis that have sold – they have surpassed that of Microsoft (Xbox 360) and Sony (PlayStation 3) by millions of units. It is refreshing to see a company constantly push the limits of gaming technology

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