How to fix PSVR2 mura

PSVR2 is the successor to the already well-received PSVR. Sony has, yet again, pushed the boundaries of what this emergent technology can do and brought a new headset into the market. After its release on February 22, the general public has had time to find out how it compares, resulting in a few noted issues. Mura, framerate drops, and others have cropped up across social media forums. But what is ‘mura,’ and how do you fix the blurry image on the PSVR2?

What is mura on the PSVR2?

Mura is an issue that plagues OLED VR headsets due to the nature of the technology. LED screens have less of a problem with mura, but cannot provide the depth of color OLED is able to achieve.

Consistency between the pixel’s color is absolutely essential when viewed at such a close distance, so any variation where there shouldn’t be results in a blurred image. Incorrect calibration can result in slight differences and a greasy, fog-like effect. This fuzzy or slightly out-of-focus image is sometimes mistaken for dirty lenses or badly calibrated eye distance. This is mura.

Image via Sony

PSVR has had this issue before with many players noticing a ‘film’ over the image. It causes a lot of uncomfortable viewing experiences and results in a disconnect in the immersion VR strives so hard to achieve. It is hard to know whether Sony knew about this issue before shipping it out to eager fans, but for some, it is instantly noticeable.

For a lot of players, it is an issue that, once seen, cannot be unseen. Varying levels of mura affect each headset with some being able to see it in all colors and light levels, and others only occasionally. Personally, I’m a perfectionist; if I spot something I know isn’t right, I’m going to obsess. Knowing how to fix the PSVR2 mura problem is essential to my enjoyment.

How to fix PSVR2 mura or blurry image

There is no one complete fix for the blurry image caused by mura on the PSVR2. It is a software issue the headset has been shipped with that prevents the OLED screen from being properly calibrated. There are a few simple things you can do to make the image clearer and the mura less noticeable until a patch is rolled out.

Lower the brightness

how to fix PSVR2 Mura

Image via Sony

For some, the level of mura can be vastly improved by simply lowering the brightness on the headset. OLED screens are remarkably bright and vivid, hence the reason they’re favored. By dropping the brightness a few notches, you will hopefully notice less mura on the PSVR2 without sacrificing picture quality.

Adjust the headset position

No two heads are the same, as far as I’m aware. Make sure your headset is positioned correctly. It must line up properly with your eyes and at a comfortable distance for the best viewing experience.

Meet the headset halfway

One of the other options is to simply play through the mura. Over time, like most things, it will stop being so noticeable. Remember that dead pixel on your screen? It didn’t go away. You stopped seeing it, until now anyway. Sorry.

Ask for an exchange

It appears that not everyone has bad mura on the PSVR2. If yours is particularly noticeable, you can request an exchange and you will hopefully receive a headset that has less mura.

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