Meme Sea Power Tier List

You’ve got a race, you’ve got a weapon. Now, you need to get your hands on a good power. That’s what we’re here to talk about. Our Meme Sea power tier list runs over each of the different powers, the equivalent of fruits in the game, and gives our take on what are the best and what aren’t really worth bothering with.

If you want to play Meme Sea right now, you can do so on Roblox. We’ve also got a guide on what is the best race in Meme Sea.

Meme Sea Power Tier List

Our tier lists runs in descending order. The best powers are at the top in S Tier, and the less exciting ones are exiled to the bottom in D Tier. If you’re looking for a specific one you can always try a search.

S Tier

The very best available. If you get hold of one of these then keep hold of it unless you have a very good idea of what you want.

A Tier

Good. These powers are pretty helpful and bring some utility too, if these suit you then you might want to stick with them for a while.

B Tier

Decent. These are pretty good powers, but there are better ones out there. These should help you with content in the earlier parts of the game.

C Tier

These are okay, but not amazing. The movesets are a little underwhelming and you could probably do better.

D Tier

The least impressive of the powers. You should probably find a new one as soon as you get a chance to do so.

If you disagree with our takes, feel free to let us know in the comments. We can handle it!

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