Sony is working on support for its PlayStation VR2 headset.
That’s according to a post on PlayStation Blog, in which Sony Interactive Entertainment’s content communications manager Gillen McAllister wrote that the firm was hoping to have this functionality up this year.
“Also, we’re pleased to share that we are currently testing the ability for PS VR2 players to access additional games on PC to offer even more game variety in addition to the PS VR2 titles available through PS5,” they said.
“We hope to make this support available in 2024, so stay tuned for more updates.”
PlayStation VR2 came out on February 22nd, 2023. Sony shifted 600,000 units in its first six weeks in the wild. We haven’t had any indication of how well the headset has performed since this point.
Though Sony did talk about adding official PC support to its original PlayStation VR headset – launched in 2016 – it appears this failed to materalise. That being said, modder still found a way to connect the hardware to PCs.
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