Steam will no longer use Google Analytics

Valve will no longer be using Google Analytics for Steam.

That’s according to a blog post on Steamworks, in which the firm said that the search giant’s tracking tech doesn’t fit with its own focus on customer privacy. This news comes ahead of Google halting support for its Universal Analytics tool in July of this year; Valve is not happy with its replacement, Google Analytics 4.

“As time has gone on we’ve come to realize that Google’s tracking solutions don’t align well with our approach to customer privacy, and so with the migration to GA4 we’ve made the decision to end our support of Google’s analytics systems on Steam,” Valve wrote.

“Instead, we’re focused on building the most useful parts of aggregated reporting into Steam itself, as described above.

“If you are currently making use of UA, you will find that as of July 1st, your Google Analytics reporting will no longer be getting data from Steam.”

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