Webzen teams up with Black Anchor to bring players Remore: Infested Kingdom

MMORPG powerhouse Webzen of MU Online and R2 fame has partnered with Black Anchor, a Korean indie game studio, to offer players a unique gothic horror experience on Steam: Remore: Infested Kingdom. In this tactical turn-based title, players can look forward to navigating the desolate world of the infested in a medieval horror game.


On a thrilling foray into the global indie world

Remore: Infested Kingdom is Black Anchor’s first title, and boasts the expertise of its founders when it comes to their previous experience in strategy games. In Webzen’s partnership with Black Anchor, the studio can effectively allow the Korean company to flex its creative muscles.

This team-up also allows Black Anchor to keep their vision intact, which is to “find an intersection between what we love, what gamers love, and what we’re good at.”



On navigating the darkness

The game challenges players to navigate through the dark to steer clear of the monstrosities lurking around every corner. They’ll have to keep their senses sharp and their wits even sharpers, as the slightest sound or movement can trigger these enemies.

Combat is a tactical turn-based affair, where players can wield historical weapons including the Arming Sword, Polearm, Billhook and so on.


On boosting survivability

To aid players on their quest, the Blacksmith NPC can craft and repair weapons as well as improve existing ones in their arsenal. After all, they’ll need all the help they can get as they struggle to survive unscathed.

Players can also cook food to gain a welcome boost in their health, as well as send out the Scavenger NPC to look for special items that will grant them boons across their hardcore adventure.


On the Steam Next Fest demo

The team-up between Black Anchor and Webzen will be showcased at the Steam Next Fest as Remore: Infested Kingdom will be available to play as a free demo on Steam. This will run from June 19th to the 26th, and players will be able to experience the gothic horror with multi-language support in English and Korean.

The demo will offer players three playable stages. The first one will be the tutorial, while the other two will be the Blackthorn Village and the Monastery stages. Here, players can discover the playstyle that suits them best across 3 playable characters – knight-errant William, militia Edwin, and veteran warrior Diurmuid.


At the moment, if you’re eager to learn more about the game, you can head on over to the official website or join the community of followers on the official Twitter page. You can also add the game to your wishlist on Steam, or take part in the community conversation on Discord.

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