What Are You Playing This Weekend? (22nd June)

Kate Gray, Contributor

This weekend I might polish off Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door! I just got to level 60 in the Pit of 100 Trials, and I’m pretty sure I can do all 100 levels if I come back after another chapter or two. I’m about to ride the Excess Express, which is one of the best chapters! As a Paper Mario mega fan, I can say that this game is absolutely worth it — the additions aren’t much, but they’re really helpful for all the backtracking in the later game, and the visual upgrade is incredible. I’m actually impressed by how well the writing has aged, too.

Other than that, I might finish off Dave The Diver, and maybe play some more Stardew Valley (with mods). I would go outside in this wonderful summer weather, but apparently, it’s going to be about 35° where I am. Hellish stuff. At least the inside has AC!

Gavin Lane, Editor

I, too, am on a Direct kick. By pure coinkydink, I’ve been playing the Link’s Awakening remake the last couple of weeks and I’ve just arrived at the Wind Fish’s egg after Turtle Rock. Looking forward to ticking that off. I’ve been playing Perfect Dark, too, with my trusty NSO ’64 pad. It’s a game I’m appreciating more now than I did 24 years ago.

After that, I suppose I should crack on with Prime Remastered. I’ve started that game a couple of times, but never made much progress. Scanning of absolutely every inch of the environment triggered my OCD and made me bounce off it hard. This time, I intend to cruise through scanning only what I need to and ignoring the rest – nuts to the logbook.

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