What to Do with Upset & Slacking Off Pals Unwilling to Do Tasks in Palworld

In Palworld, Pals assigned to the base will work on tasks and help you produce all of the items you need. If they’re slacking off or upset, however, then they won’t work at all, even if you try to force them. We can’t have that, now, can we?

What does it mean when a Pal is slacking off or upset in Palworld?

In Palworld, captured Pals assigned to a base will happily go around and start performing tasks that they’re able to do. With food and a bed, these Pals will be happy for a while doing all the jobs you can’t be bothered for.

However, you will soon come across Pals that are slacking off and moping around base. Or worse – Pals that are upset and have sent themselves to bed. When this happens, they’ll stop working, even if you try to force assign them to a task. Pals who are slacking off or upset will show it on their faces.

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Pals that are suffering from this will soon develop much worse conditions, which you really want to look out for. They can go from slacking, to being upset, to eating your Feed Box empty.

These Pals become a huge liability as not only are they not working, but they will continue to eat your food.

Don’t worry, though, all Pals in a base will rush to defend it should the occasion arise.

How Sanity works in Palworld

To know how to deal with unproductive Pals in Palworld, you’ll need to understand why they’re slacking off or upset. The best way to deal with this issue is by curbing the problem before it starts.

The only reason Pals will become upset and slack off is if their Sanity is low. Their Sanity will drop slowly over time, as they work harder and harder. Being hungry and having medical issues can also cause their Sanity to make a sharp decline.

Lo Sanity In Palworld
Screenshot: PC Invasion

The moment their Sanity drops to a critical level is the moment they’ll start to slack off or go to bed upset, not doing any work at all. Before it hits a critical level, you’ll be told that they’re working slower than usual, which is a warning sign that you need to do something, and soon.

If you’ve got one or a couple Pals that are upset and unwilling to do any tasks, that’s an indicator that Sanity and life around the base isn’t so good. Typically, others will follow suit, their Sanity dropping in tandem. If this happens, then there is a core problem with your base.

You’ll need to make sure their Sanity stays high, and there are a few things you can do to keep it that way.

Related: How to ride your Pals in Palworld

How to Improve Sanity in Palworld

Several things will keep the Sanity level of your working Pals in top condition. The best way to do this is to build a Hot Spring for them to relax in. The Hot Spring gets unlocked at level five and costs 30 Wood, 15 Stone, 10 Paldium Fragments, and 10 Pal Fluid.

In the early game, you can easily get Pal Fluids by catching or defeating Pengullets that you’ll find a little further north of the starting location.

Hotspring In Palworld
Screenshot: PC Invasion

You will have to build a Hot Spring to advance one of the early Palbox Base missions, anyway. Once built, for the most part, a Pal will hop in the Hot Spring and relax during their short break. In some cases, you may need to force a Pal to take a break by throwing them into the Hot Spring.

Eventually, you’ll gain access to a High Quality Hot Spring which is useful if you’ve used the Monitoring Stand to instruct them to work harder, which decreases Sanity at a higher rate.

Good food also goes a long way to improving their Sanity. Giving your Pals good Hot Springs and good food will allow them to work harder whilst maintaining their Sanity. Higher Quality Pal beds and other amenities that you’ll unlock will also contribute to a good Sanity level.

In larger bases, you’ll want a couple, or even a few, Hot Springs to satisfy more Pals at once. If a pal needs the Hot Spring but there’s already someone in there, then they’ll miss out and their Sanity will continue to decline.

Make sure to pet them every now and then, too.

Dealing with upset and slacking Pals in Palworld

In the early game, or before you can properly accommodate for Sanity in Palworld, you will simply have to tolerate the slackers and mood swings. Slacking Pals will eventually go back to work, anyway. It’s the upset Pals that you’ll have to look out for, though, as they won’t simply go back to work. Their Sanity needs to improve.

A Pal with low Sanity for too long will not only impact production but may also cause them to develop stress-related conditions like stress eating or depression. If it’s not curbed immediately, the effects will bleed into all aspects of your base.

Best Pals With Medicine Production Skill In Palworld Lifmunk
Screenshot: PC Invasion

First, treat any medical issues that the Pal may be suffering from, using any Medicine Workbench to produce medicine. The description of the medicines will tell you what problems they treat. Note that medications won’t fix problems like stress eating, you’ll just have to improve Sanity to get rid of that.

Over time, medical issues do heal themselves, but if they’re disrupting Base life, then it’ll be well worth helping them with their issues.

Alternatively, you can banish them to the Box through your Pal Base and replace them with another Pal of their species. I’ve had to do this was a rather troublesome Pengullet that kept stress eating all the Berries.

To force Sanity to improve, you can pet them and feed them good quality foods directly by interacting with them or force them into a Hot Spring.

Now that you know all about dealing with Slackers in Palworld, why don’t you find out how to defeat the first Rayne Syndicate Tower?

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