Where to find all Silent Chests in Diablo 4

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If you’re roaming around Sanctuary, you probably ran into a whole bunch of chests filled with useful resources. The ones that stand out are the Silent Chests which yield tons of goodies. If you’re lucky enough to come across one — open it, because it could be worthwhile. Unlike normal chests which are littered throughout the world, these Silent Chests are harder to come by because of what they can hold. If you are looking to find all these rare Silent Chests in Diablo 4, you’ve come to the right place. 

Diablo 4: Where to find all Silent Chests

Since the beta, the number of Silent Chests has grown to 6. This means they are spaced out very well, and you’ll be searching all of Sanctuary. To narrow down your search, look in the following places:

  • Mistral Woods, Fractured Peaks
  • Lake Klokova, Fractured Peaks
  • Scouring Sands, Kehjistan
  • Fethis Wetlands, Hawezar
  • Residential District, Kehjistan
  • Desolate Highlands, Fractured Peaks

Now, these are just general areas where the chests are. However, before looking for them, make sure you get Whispering Keys to open them. 

So let’s go over where the exact locations are. 

Fractured Peaks chest #1

This chest is located in the Mistral Woods area located in Gale Valley. If you look at the image below, you can use the path as a reference point. It’ll be across from a side mission.

Where to find all Silent Chests in Diablo 4

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Fractured Peaks chest #2

Heading towards the area of Frigid Expanse, make your way to Lake Klokova. It’ll be in the center of the region. The chest itself is located on the easter coast of the lake, across from a shrine.

Diablo 4 Secret Chest 2(1)

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Kehjistan chest #1

Locating this chest is probably one of the easier ones to find. Simply head to the Scouring Sands region of Kehjistan, and go to the middle section. There will be a rock formation here, and the chest should be around it. 

Diablo 4 Secret Chest 3(1)

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Hawezar Chest

For this chest, you want to go to Fethis Wetlands in Hawezar. It shouldn’t be hard to miss since it’s a large land mass. This chest is on the easternmost side of this region called The Devouring Moor. It’ll be located near a cellar.

Diablo 4 Secret Chest 4(1)

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Kehjistan chest #2

When you reach Caldeum, head south of the area towards the Dilapidated Aqueducts. You should reach a dead-end, and hopefully, the chest will be in one of the corners here.

Secret Chest 5

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Fractured Peaks #3

Going back to Fractured Peaks, head to the Desolate Highlands. Once you make it, head to the southmost area called Nevesk. You’ll know you’re in the right spot when you hit a waypoint. After you reach, head slightly southeast of the waypoint and follow that path.

Secret Chest 6

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What’s in these Silent Chests?

As mentioned, they are important because of what’s in them. If you’re playing on World Tier 1 or 2, you could find extremely rare gear in these chests. But, if you’re on the higher World Tiers, gear that’s in the Uniquie category can be mostly found using this method. So it’s always smart to open these chests if you run into one. 

Diablo 4 is available now via Battle.net.

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